Focused Reading: Euphemism are types of words that make things sound better than they are. Dyseuphemism are types of words that make things sound worse than they are.
The Personal is Political: The reading introduced me to new concepts I was not even aware of. I learned how form and metaphors are used in politics. In the following chapter, I learned how lying is used in politics. By doing the reading, I learned what euphemism and dyseuphemism means. I learned the different ways of saying nothing. My understanding of political communication has improved because of the reading.
Read excerpt # 3 The Anasazi: Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde and excerpt # 4 The Mississippians: Cahokia and Moundville (pp.29-33) by following the link Pre-Columbian America ( Type responses to the following questions on Google Doc and save.
Through Foster’s many rhetorical devices he provides a knowledgeable guide on how to read literature. The numerous examples he applies allows the readers to have a more thorough understanding. Reading this book can make the experience of reading other books more satisfying, enriching and
Based on Hedge’s iconic statement that “the most essential skill… is artifice”, one can infer that politicians use narrative as a strategy to increase their following. This causes controversy among the audience who may only decide their candidate through a subliminal message therefore empathizing with the candidate rather than voting based on their intellect and opinions. While it may seem as regular propaganda, it is a tool to deceive the viewer. Although it may be a compelling strategy, artifice creates a barrier between the politician and the audience making the politician unable to connect with his followers.
I also look forward to improving my academic reading skills. I currently dislike reading academic readings as I find them incredibly boring and time consuming. I know they are for my own good, but if it is assigned for a class that isn’t directly related to my career aspirations, I often don’t read them, but rather use that time to read something that is essential for my career. As I move forward, I wish to be more like the character Seth in Haas and Flowers’ Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning. Seth is a rhetorical reader who searches for the deeper meanings within academic readings all while connecting prior reading experience to the text he is currently reading. In assignment 3 we were required to create a metaphor
In today’s society, the subject of politics is not always met with great approval or admiration. Therefore, it is important that analyzing Mann’s emphasis of Political Education that we understand what it refers to. The idea of politicians and political parties and the riffs between them must be put aside when thinking of Political Education. The important part, the part that Mann emphasized, is the understanding of the Constitution, and consequently the rights of every citizen of the United States. Once an average citizens knows his rights, he will have more just power as a citizen. Not only will he be able to defend himself if wrongly accused, but also will know what is appropriate and within his rights when making decisions on his own actions. Learning how
11) Euphemism is a mild expression substituted for when one is considered to be to harsh when referring to something unpleasant.
In the listening passage, the professor describes two books about the life of American president candidates. The first book talks about problems that the candidates had in the elementary school and in
Guided reading is something that I found interesting that I would incorporate in a classroom. The first step, as the book states, is the teacher picking materials for their students to read. The teacher needs to make sure that they give each student a copy of the grade appropriate material. When the students are in the beginning stage of reading the teacher introduces new concepts/ vocabulary. This will help the students when they begin reading the material. Once the teacher has gone through the new concepts/vocabulary they let the students read the material. When the students are reading the teacher show keep I eye out for any students struggling with the material or for students that might have a question. The final stage of guided reading
The personal is political is the idea that problems that relate to women’s lives, such as abortion and rape laws, child care policies, etc., can be solved through political action or means (Pateman, 299). The idea is for women to be more attentive in the politics that affect their lives. According to Pateman, the idea is that public factors, such as laws and policies, are structured by personal events (299).
People associate words and symbols to real life things and situations in order to give them meaning. There are three types of Euphemism, which are dysphemism, cacophemism,
Reading Rhetorically, the second chapter of The Academic Writer by Lisa Ede covered many topics I have studied in the past, but it captured my attention when book often returned to the theme of how reading and writing are such an integral part of our society. There are obvious examples of this such as books, poetry, and magazines but many times the author mentioned how much more of our lives involve reading than what occurs to many people. It fascinated me how we read material from The Count of Monté Cristo and Socrates to Internet blogs and road signs. When we see a word, our minds automatically read it. This became evident to me when I returned from Mexico for the first time after a trip. In Mexico it took work for me to read the Spanish
A euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that otherwise might be considered harsh or unpleasant to hear. Euphemisms are used regularly, and there are many examples in every day language.
Doublespeak is all around us.There are certain types of doublespeak such as euphemism, jargon,gobbledygook/bureaucratese and inflated, The first being euphemism is a phrase that is said in a way to
In a world dominated by rich media and multimedia interactive experiences, reading seems outmoded. However, reading is a unique dimension of human inquiry. Reading allows for ways of thinking that no other type of media can allow. Whether read on a Kindle or other eReader device or in print format, reading encourages the development of the imagination in both children and adults. In "A Defense of Reading," Marie Winn discusses the devastating effects that too much television has had on children's reading habits. Winn "defends" reading by showing how children need to create their own visual universe independent from what images the television feeds to their developing minds. Although Winn focuses on the impact of television on children's reading habits, the argument Winn uses can be applied equally to any other population including adults. Moreover, Winn's argument suggests that it is not just television that impedes reading. Too much interaction with any multimedia device like computers or video games has the potential to stifle the visual creativity and imagination that is fostered more by the act of reading. In "The Monster's Human Nature," Stephen Jay Gould does not address the pitfalls of watching too much television. The article uses Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein to illustrate concepts related to the core elements of human nature. Using Frankenstein, the author does illustrate vividly how reading books engenders wisdom and insight into the human condition.
Euphemism is to use a polite or vague word or phrase used to replace another word or phrase that is thought of as too direct or rude. The word euphemism comes from the Greek eu, good, and pheme, speech or saying, and thus means literally to speak with good words or in a pleasant manner.