Legislation exists to protect consumers, the environment and the community, as well as promote fair trading and competition. These laws govern how businesses interact with their suppliers, customers and other businesses. They also outline the rights of businesses and business owners when conflicts arise, further more some industries may supply or use chemicals or other hazardous materials that could potentially endanger the lives of employees or consumers. Therefor it is important that employees follow legislation and organisational guidelines to ensure a safe working environment, if not, the results would mean serious harm or injury to persons and even further, legal prosecution. To avoid prosecution it is necessary to follow legislation in
Task 4Ensuring health and safety is an important responsibility not only for the Managers but all associated with the premises. Evaluate your organisation’s health and safety policy and procedures in line with legislative requirements and propose recommendations on how health and safety should be managed
Employers must always make sure that everyone’s health & safety is maintained at all times but they should also make sure that there organisation is up to relevant standards as everyone has the right to work in a safe secure work environment.
The employer has a responsibility to follow the regulation which is known as the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’. This is An Act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and
Employers must provide a safe working environment for all of their employees. The legislation states it is an employer’s duty "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees as well as others on their premises, including temps, casual workers, the self-employed, clients, visitors and the general public.Workers health is paramount within an organisation, employers must ensure that all workers health is not affected by the work they are doing and put in place all necessities to prevent this. The Health and Safety at Work Act sets out specific standards which can add costs to a business, however these costs are considered essential for the safety of all workers. Most of the costs come from training staff about health and safety and putting in place procedures to maintain this. This act prevents unfair unsafe working conditions which in turn reduces the likelihood of accidents or injury at work. If a worker has injured themselves at work due to something which could have been otherwise prevented by the company had the followed the guidelines of the Health and Safety at Work Act they company may be required to pay out for the injury. For those who employ five or more staff, employers must also keep and revise a written record of health and safety policy and consult
Employers have duties under health and safety law to assess risks in the workplace. Risk assessments should be carried out that address all risks that might cause harm in the workplace. Employers must give employees information about the risks in their workplace and how they are protected, also instruct and train their employees on how to deal with the risks. Employers must consult employees on health and safety issues. Consultation must be either direct or through a safety representative that is either elected by the workforce or appointed by a trade union. It is an employees duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety. If possible avoid wearing jewellery or loose clothing if operating machinery. If the employee has long hair or wears a headscarf, make sure it's tucked out of the way (it could get caught in machinery). To take reasonable care not to put other people such as fellow employees and members of the public at risk by what they do or don't do in the course of their work. To co-operate with the employer, making sure the employee gets proper training and the employee understands and follows the company's health and safety policies. Not to interfere with or misuse anything that's been provided for their health, safety or welfare. To report any injuries, strains or illnesses they suffer as a result of doing their job (the employer may need to change the way they work). To tell their employer if something
Avii An explanation of the procedures to be followed to prevent and in the event of each of the
As an employer, you need to be aware of the processes and duties produced in these regulations and the practical implications imposed. There is also a duty to involve employees in all health and safety
|Explain how to create a safe and suitable environment for practitioners and clients | |Every organisation should have specific safety policies and plans tailored to their business and work environment, depending on| |what type of safety issues are relevant. By training all employees thoroughly in the safety policies, the organisation can | |ensure that an environment or situation is safe for all. Additionally, seeking the involvement of staff in drawing up plans or | |adding to them is an excellent way to obtain “buy in” and maintain compliance. | |When practitioners meet
The Health and Safety at Work Act is probably one of the main laws to consider as this not only affects your safety but
M1- Asses the implications of health and safety and security legislation and regulations for a business role in a work place.
health and safety procedures and practises should be under continual scrutiny and areas for improvement should be monitored and dealt with. A good method of monitoring & improving are health, safety and security procedures are visually. Check visitors have signed in the visitor’s book, look for items blocking fire exits or hallways, wet signs are in place during cleaning, COSHH cupboards are kept locked, medication trolleys are secure, hoists are clean and stored in a correct storage place. Policies and procedures need to be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant, circumstances in workplace can change and new risk assessments will need to be put in place or old ones reviewed. Policies and procedures may need evaluating and developing
Health and Safety Compliance There are two main health and safety legislations, these are called health and safety at work, etc. 1994 and the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999. Health and safety refers to the right of every employee, regardless of the industry, to carry out their daily work in a safe environment. There are several laws and legislations that dictate what employers must do to facilitate this, to minimize accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Health and safety legislation, puts in place policies to ensure their staff, students etc. are working in a safe environment.
Can lead to a failure to meet statutory requirements relating to providing a safe and healthy working environment
Health and safety legislations and regulations are implemented in own work settings because there will always be a possibility of accidents happening which may damage someone’s health and all work will expose people to hazards, however the health and safety legislations and regulations are put in place and used so that these risks and hazards are under control and so everyone’s health (staff and children) are safe at all costs.
Although the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974 provides criminal legislation for employers, there are various key health and safety requirements that identify a duty of care owed to an employee by an employer, that have been set via precedents. This essay aims to identify the key health and safety requirements owed by an employer to an employee, deriving from common law, including the principle of vicarious liability