
Follow Up Asthma Case Study

Decent Essays

CC: Follow up asthma.

History of Present Illness: Ms. Dahlberg is a very pleasant 69-year-old woman who suffers from poorly controlled asthma. She has a recent exacerbation requiring hospitalization at Anna Jaques Hospital in June. Since discharge, she states that she has done well. She has stable dyspnea on exertion. She does feel that perhaps it might be slightly worse given the heat and humidity. She is not complaining of any cough. She is compliant with her bronchodilator regimen.

She also carries a diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction, obstructive sleep apnea, as well as tracheobronchomalacia. She states that she does try to remain as active as possible. She does participate in aquatic exercises at the YMCA. She does feel …show more content…

17. Lorazepam.
18. Potassium chloride.
19. Fiorinal.
20. Cardizem.
21. Lyrica.
22. Lexapro.
23. Dolobid.

Physical Exam:
Vitals: Temperature 97.6. Pulse 78. Blood pressure 101/64. O2 sat 96% on room air.
General: Obese. Well developed, well nourished. No apparent distress. Appears stated age.
Lungs: Demonstrate good air entry. Faint end-expiratory wheeze throughout all lung fields. No rales or rhonchi. Symmetric chest expansion. Breathing nonlabored.

1. Asthma, stable.
2. Vocal cord dysfunction, stable.
3. History of tracheobronchomalacia.
4. Obstructive sleep apnea.

I have made no changes to Ms. Dahlberg's bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroid use. She does have a prescription of prednisone at home, as she is well aware of her asthma exacerbation equivalents. She does have a history of steroid use psychosis and I advised her to initiate treatment at 40 mg per day. She should then seek further medical attention after initiating systemic steroids. She should also continue use of her current bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids.

With regard to her obstructive sleep apnea, she does not have a download available for review today. I will follow up with her in three months, at which time she will provide the download

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