Controlling/Monitoring Food Allergies in Children: A Rising Concern
A growing concern, the number of food allergens among individuals account for approximately 30,000 anaphylactic reactions as well as 200 deaths per year in the United States (Jackson, 2002). Food allergies are common, but can be fatal if proper action is not implemented or knowledge is not understood beforehand. “Food allergy is defined as an adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response that occurs reproducibly on exposure to a specific food,” (Gupta, Dyer, Jain, & Greenhawt, 2013). In other words, one’s body misconstrues the food to be harmful, therefore will respond by producing an allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis is characterized by a severe allergic reaction
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Many food allergies typically begin at an early age, stressing the importance of understanding food allergies and their affects, keying in strictly on children. Approximately 1 in 13 children across the United States are affected by food allergies at some point in their lifetime (Wahl, Stephens, Ruffo, & Jones, 2015). For example, 31.5% of children ages 0-2, who cannot control who gives them what when they are away from their parents, are allergic to milk (Dyer & Gupta, 2013). This could cause problems for parents, caregivers, and schools if not properly warned of the child’s allergy as well as understand how to go about such. Knowing the approximate, overall percentages of different aged children and their main food group allergen and understanding such allows for better management and stricter, more effective policies to prevent these food allergens from affecting a child’s …show more content…
“A study of practices in Michigan schools found significant needs regarding staff education and policy development around the growing problem of life-threatening food allergies” (Sheetz et al., 2004). It was found that more than one-half of the schools that offered education actually depended on parents of children with food allergies to educate the staff, with no formal plan to provide school-wide education (Sheetz et al., 2004). This is why it is extremely important to build a team, consisting of school nurses, pediatricians, staff, parents, teachers, administrators, and anyone else involved and thus leaving it up to the specific team to manage such conditions. This team should be required to attend a forum on the specifics, such as how to administer epinephrine if needed, if a nurse is not available. Having informational meetings, clearing up misconceptions, answering questions, as well as informing everyone of the allergies present in the specific school should allow everyone to be involved and feel comfortable in themselves to be able to administer action if necessary (Food Allergy Research & Education,
About 17 to 18 million U.S. citizens ( have allergies to at least one food. There is a 65 percent chance of tehir children inheriting their allergies. It is estimated that one-quarter of food allergic people will suffer an episode of anaphylaxis (
This was a rare day in my everyday life of being allergic to nuts and sesame seeds. Many people have heard about food allergies, but do not actually know what they are. A food allergy is when the immune system produces antibodies in defense against a substance that is actually not harmful to the body. There is no cure for food allergies yet, and the reaction can ultimately be life threatening. Dealing with an allergy is an everyday challenge that has forced me to become more aware of the food I eat. My family and I discovered my allergy at a young age, and one of the ways I manage it is by always
My interest in medicine was triggered by my own early experiences with nut allergy, which I was diagnosed with as a child. It fuelled my pursuit of knowledge in medical science as I was fascinated how there is not a known cause of peanut allergy. This captivating medical dilemma led me to recognise that there is a lot yet to be discovered in medicine. My curiosity in this field inspired me to initiate contact with allergy specialists and write a personal study on the topic where I explored the genetic and environmental effects of developing a peanut allergy.
Each new time I have the displeasure of consuming an allergy of mine, consequences accompany them. The milk has a flavor, while it goes down, that taste absolutely revolting. For while it is going down I can smell the putrid aroma of the milk. As it is sneaking down my esophagus, it is frigid and causes my internal organs to go numb. When it finally reaches my stomach it makes me start to have reflex that is colossal. The only part that is worse than the reflex is the milk churning in my stomach as I start to get physically active.
It is important to following carers instructions in relation to their child’s allergies and intolerances as it’s a sign of respect. Children develop a difference of likes and dislike of food. Some children prefer their food completely dry, a roast dinner, without gravy, for example. Some children also like to have each item separated on their plate, and are unable to eat their food, if it is all mushed together. Some children also don’t like certain textures, such as bits in their yoghurt/soup, crunchy bits, or tough meats, or hard to chew. Taste can change often, with some time, but it is important that we offer alternatives for children who dislike those certain foods that is offered to them.
This is why I believe trigger warnings should be used. Do you tell someone with a food allergy to ‘just deal’ with an exposure to the allergen? Do you say they’re overreacting when they want food to be labeled so they can avoid what they’re allergic to? Do you say that they should just avoid all public food if they’re going to complain about being allergic to some of
In this novel, Mark Twain satirizes many things. Three human weaknesses that are prominent in Huck Finn are ignorance, corruption, and racism. Human beings are very ignorant people. Throughout the entire book Twain throws in characters that just flow with ignorance.
There are approximately 7 billion people living on planet Earth, 30% of this population has an allergy, and 250 million people suffer from food allergies specifically. Patrizia Marina, author of “Allergy: The Toxic Burden,” adds to this discovery by mentioning how this percentage is steadily increasing by 5% each year. Allergies are overlooked by the majority of the population. An allergy is more complex and severe than most people would assume. However, it is not the allergy we should be afraid of, it is the reaction the allergies can lead to. Allergic reactions can range from minor to deadly. There are crucial precautions that need to be taken in securing a known allergy and these precautions are becoming less essential
Literary Analysis In the folktale “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain writes about a nameless narrator in the 19th century that is in search for information about a man named leonidas W. Smiley; he goes in search for Simon Wheeler that knew Smiley in his boyhood. Then the narrator of the text transfers to Simon to tell the story about Smiley. The use of a frame narrative that Twain uses helps indicate a juxtaposition between the two narrators;using diction to emphasize the use of formal and informal.
Now I don’t want to sound like I don’t care about people with food allergies because I do care. Individuals with food allergies without a doubt deserve respect and consideration, no parent or child should be afraid of going to school because of their food sensitivities. But my basic common sense has been gnawing at the back of my mind on this subject. Did people just not care about the children when I was growing up? Did people just not have food allergies then? Surely it couldn’t be those things. No, it has to be public awareness to food allergies, plain and simple. And the school has every right to have some sort of rules regarding this subject, after all the student’s safety is of utmost importance, but in their hastiness to assuage the concerns of parents everywhere they threw out a blanket solution that quite frankly is unnecessary and extreme.
The second actions that the school takes to ensure that care is always being taken with health, safety, and nutrition is to make sure that all children with food allergies is getting the right food and not the wrong food. Many children at the school where I volunteer at is allergies to peanut allergies they have to substitute peanut with fruit.
Systems to vent children from coming into contact with a known food allergen include photographs and names of the children in the kitchen, only key persons giving the child food and certain plate being used for particular children so as to provide a visual reminder. It is also essential that children are supervised when they are eating so that if an allergic reaction occurs emergency help can be called. Signs of an allergic reaction include swelling of the lips your eyes, redness
Research on Food Allergies True food allergies are not as common as many people believe and do in fact only affect about 2% of children. However, they are more common in younger children (affecting about 5-8% of younger children). Fortunately, most younger children will outgrow these food allergies by the time that they are three years old.
Food allergies are abnormal immunological responses to a special food or food component . Two types of abnormal immunological responses can happen immediately and delayed reactions. Both are well documented to occur in certain individuals at ingestion of specific foods.recently These illnesses are spread and sometimes called individualistic reverse reactions to foods because they affect only certain individuals in the population.In addition ,Cause of food allergy enter hospital almost thirty thousand people to the emergency room, and up to a hundred to two hundred deaths each year (Taylor and Hefle. 2005).
“Here’s the heart of the matter: The essence of social media is knowing your audiences and engaging them in something they love”(cite). Social Media has become one of the most influential and powerful sources for many companies. Social media has evolved throughout the years. We are in the year where social media has become a big part of our lives. Overall, social media has truly impacted the beauty industry. The beauty industry has grown over the years and this past year has enormously increased. Due to social media growth, it has influenced the beauty industry to change its concepts of beauty today.