Allergies may happen from anything your body is sensitive to. This may be food, medicines, pollens, chemicals, and nearly anything around you in everyday life that produces allergens. An allergen is anything that causes an allergy producing substance. Heredity is often a factor in causing these problems. This means you may have some of the same allergies as your parents.
Food allergies happen in all age groups. Food allergies are some of the most severe and life threatening. Some common food allergies are cow's milk, seafood, eggs, nuts, wheat, and soybeans.
• Swelling around the mouth.
• An itchy red rash or hives.
• Vomiting or diarrhea.
• Difficulty breathing.
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These are seasonal because they usually occur during the same season every year. They may be a reaction to molds, grass pollens, or tree pollens. Other causes of problems are house dust mite allergens, pet dander, and mold spores. The symptoms often consist of nasal congestion, a runny itchy nose associated with sneezing, and tearing itchy eyes. There is often an associated itching of the mouth and ears. The problems happen when you come in contact with pollens and other allergens. Allergens are the particles in the air that the body reacts to with an allergic reaction. This causes you to release allergic antibodies. Through a chain of events, these eventually cause you to release histamine into the blood stream. Although it is meant to be protective to the body, it is this release that causes your discomfort. This is why you were given anti-histamines to feel better. If you are unable to pinpoint the offending allergen, it may be determined by skin or blood testing. Allergies cannot be cured but can be controlled with …show more content…
It may often be treated with simple over-the-counter medicine such as diphenhydramine. Take medicine as directed. Do not drink alcohol or drive while taking this medicine. Check with your caregiver or package insert for child dosages.
If these medicines are not effective, there are many new medicines your caregiver can prescribe. Stronger medicine such as nasal spray, eye drops, and corticosteroids may be used if the first things you try do not work well. Other treatments such as immunotherapy or desensitizing injections can be used if all else fails. Follow up with your caregiver if problems continue. These seasonal allergies are usually not life threatening. They are generally more of a nuisance that can often be handled using medicine.
• If unsure what causes a reaction, keep a diary of foods eaten and symptoms that follow. Avoid foods that cause reactions.
• If hives or rash are present:
○ Take medicine as directed.
○ You may use an over-the-counter antihistamine (diphenhydramine) for hives and itching as needed.
○ Apply cold compresses (cloths) to the skin or take baths in cool water. Avoid hot baths or showers. Heat will make a rash and itching
Many people see having a food allergy as a damper on life and a restriction on one's diet. I do not see it that way. I see it as an attribute to me that has helped define the person that I am. I often wonder what it would feel like to sit down at a restaurant and order any meal off the menu. But then again, I will never be able to do that because my food allergy is part of who I
Susceptible Individuals are at risk to curtain airborne allergens and things that trigger frequent attack. According to Barnes, (2003) allergic reaction comes from factors, such as allergens, viral infections and exercise .Other triggers such as family pets, which includes dogs, cats and hamsters can cause an allergic reaction. Smoking, dust and fumes plays a part in the environmental factors. Asthma symptoms include tightness and cough chest, wheeze and breathlessness. Airflow obstruction results from twitchiness of the muscles in the airways and inflammation resulting in swelling of the airway walls as well as accumulation of secretions (Asthma UK, 2014) over time symptoms might vary. In young children symptoms in the severity
• Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace that states your allergy, if told by your health care provider.
The most common causes of anaphylaxis include medications, food insect’s stings. In adults, the main causes are medication, medication like penicillin and its derivatives, followed in frequency by aspirin and anti-inflammatory. The second largest category are food, among which fruits, nuts and seafood are the most frequents trigger. In children, the most common triggers are foods like eggs, milk, nuts and seafood.
Treatment may include medicines to help with the itching and rash (antihistamine). Severe cases may require medicines called corticosteroids.
Riordan Manufacturing Inc. is in the field of plastic injection molding. A leader in plastics designs in many different areas, with state of the art capabilities in developing innovative products for their customers. The company was founded by Dr. Riordan, a professor of chemistry, working with processing polymers into high strength plastic articles. Dr. Riordan obtained patents and licensing to start manufacturing plastic fans in the plant at Pontiac, Michigan in 1992. This summary will cover Riordan’s mission, the four plant description, and the companies finance and accounting.
• Apply cold cloths (compresses) to the skin or take baths in cool water. This will help itching. Avoid hot baths or showers. Heat will make the rash and itching worse.
• Medicines that block allergy symptoms. These may include allergy shots, nasal sprays, and oral antihistamines.
In V.C. Andrews’ novel, Flowers in the Attic, the elements of classic Gothic literature are present in profuse quantity, relating directly to the ideologies outlined in Noël Carroll’s The Philosophy of Horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. Andrew’s novel dements the ideologies of a late twentieth century America, directing her focus towards the perversion of the family unit through her incorporation of incestuous relationships and inconceivable familial abuse. The characters draw heavily on Carroll’s ideas of the forbidden, staunchly disrupting social normality, and layering the pages of the novel with an unspoken horror. Flowers in the Attic deeply embraces the tradition of the Gothic, proving itself a contemporary to the genre established
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You are not alone. Luckily, there are changes that can be implemented that can make a huge difference. Don’t believe us? Check out these tips for beating seasonal allergies.
Allergic rhinitis is an annoying condition. Your nose is stuffy and runny. You may sneeze a lot and have watery eyes. Your entire nose, eyes, and throat may itch and annoy you. Your sense of smell and taste can even be affected. And worse, even though the symptoms are caused by allergies, people may avoid you thinking you harbor cold germs. Here are some treatment options you may want to try so you get relief.
One great way to combat your fall allergies is by keeping your home as allergen-free as possible. Luckily, doing so is easier than you might think. These are a few things that you can do to improve your indoor air quality during the autumn and prevent allergy symptoms among you and your family members.
While researching the topic of food allergy protections in schools and its effects on unaffected families, I found a large amount of information on food allergies and what we should do but very little on the effects on others. I began my research by looking for the scholarly articles that detailed the medical professions suggested handling of food allergies in a school setting. I discovered an article published in the American Academy of Pediatrics Journal titled Clinical Report- Management of Food Allergy in the School Setting by Dr. Scott M. Sicherer. In this paper he highlights both what the treatment and prevention should be for adolescent children in just about every environment including school. The article starts off with giving us a baseline for food allergies and the dangers. He notes that 1 in 25 people suffer from food allergies and the most at risk group is preschool age
Ask your physician to prescribe you a non-drowsy option if available. Second-generation antihistamines are low- to non-sedating, examples are loratadine, desloratadine, and fexofenadine.
Fashion is ever changing one minute your in style the next minute your out. For centuries, fashion has been seen as art and a way to express yourselves. Like any other form of art a blank canvas is needed to create on, for this reason many designers present their creation on thin models. But lately designers started showing their clothing on thin models for the appearance they give and how consumer view these models. These models portray the "ideal body" image of a tall thin women. The characteristics they present are desired by the consumer and overall boost their profit but negatively promote health issues when consumers try to achieve the looks of the models.