
Food Bank Speech

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Abdulaziz Albahkali MR. Cookie FYE 06/12/16 Food Bank Have you ever been to the Food Bank? Do you know what the Bank Food is? The bank food is a place that has much kind of things comes to them from people. People bring these things to help the homeless or to give the church to give the people who need the food or any stuff for the children. Today I will talk about what are the things the people bring to the bank food and how the people organize the food in the Food Bank. In the beginning I will write about what are the things the people bring it for the Food Bank. When I was in San Francisco all the time I saw a big truck driving to the Food Bank, and I saw many people are working in this place the go to inside …show more content…

And how the people like to work together to help another people. In my experience, I was a volunteer with my college, and they ask entire my classmate to come to the Food Bank we meet in the college, and the bus took us to the Food Bank. When we arrived there we saw another class comes with another bus, after that they let us to sign in the paper, the paper was about acceptation we are a volunteer. Then they let us to entry in one room to make everyone know each other. You have to introduce yourself, from where did you come, what is the good things you like in Wilkes-Barre, and what did you miss in your country or the city you just come from . Everyone introduce himself, and I met a lot of students, they studied English in a difference state such as I came from California, some people come from Washington DC, another come from Seattle, and some of them came from Chicago. After that, the made two groups, each group has their own function. The first group they have to make two line one in the right side, and another in the left side. It was a machine in the middle of us, and our group they have to get a box and but inside the box a different food such as the cans fruit, pasta, and all the purposes. My work was I have to close the boxes by tape, and my group was organizing the food inside the boxes. Another group were collected the boxes, and they tried to make the boxes small. However, all the

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