
Food, Inc. : A Strong Critique Of Industrial Food Production

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Food, Inc. is a strong critique of industrial food production, revealing truths about what we eat, how it’s produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here. Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how huge corporations have taken over all parts of the food chain in the United States, from the farms where our food is grown to the chain restaurants and supermarkets where it 's sold. The film examines the industrial production of meat, grains, and vegetables, claiming the entirety of our food industry is cruel, and economically and environmentally unsustainable, as it continues to examine today’s industry by exploring the economic and legal powers large food companies have. Beforehand, food distribution was on …show more content…

These appear when mass production of meat occurs. Previously, animals were slaughtered just for a family’s meat from their farm. However, according to Food, Inc., large food industries such as McDonalds and others alike control 80% of the beef industry. With the overwhelming amount of people who eat fast food or restaurants in general, these large industries pay farmers to mass-produce animals in a shorter time, while making them bigger. The ethical quandary exists in the method in which farmers are forced to raise them. With minimal space for the animals to move, they achieve extremely low exercise – plumping them up. Similarly, the animals are forced to eat foods they would not normally eat by nature. Corn, steroids, and other products are used to grow animals faster and larger. Chickens are a prime example, because they are grown in half the time, and with many chemicals, their breasts are significantly enlarged. The large problem with genetically modifying animals maintains that is against nature’s process. Many people in society, if they aware of this issue, might argue conversely to what is currently happening to animals. Moreover, the idea of factory farming in itself contains ethical difficulties. With this type of new farming that appeals to the mass population, the system where animals are treated. In Food, Inc., one

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