Gladiator games and football have more similarities than we believe. The number one component is violence. Crowds scream in excitement as the Coliseum gets covered in blood in the gladiatorial games. Comparing to today, fans scream and cheer as two teams tackle each other in a football game. Looking at modern day sports and the gladiator games, they suggest that football has just as much violence as the gladiator games played in the Roman times. If a sport contains violence, it tends to be the most popular. Both the sport, football and gladiator games involve incredible, violence sights in front of a huge, cheering crowd (Probing Question: Is football similar to Roman Gladiator Games?, Jesse Hicks). In football, fans pick their favorite
Roman Gladiators are athletes of a more violent time period. Who knows, maybe there is no such thing as professional sports without them. They showed how hard training could make a great job for a lot of people. In conclusion, gladiators and athletes resemble each other very
The Roman gladiator captivated the masses and contributed to the very definition of ancient Rome. The consumption and coverage of football in America today is the modern equivalent to how gladiatorial games fit into the entertainment and overall culture of the ancient Roman world, with the gladiatorial games holding even deeper importance regarding spirituality. In a society built through the balancing of bloodshed and civility, the ancient Roman gladiator made his impact through spectacle by pure carnage. From 264 BC to AD 404, the Roman people were captivated by gladiators; their appeal remained constant through shifts in power and changes in overall purpose. The purpose of Roman gladiatorial combat went from being to honor the dead and
Throughout the film, gladiatorial games are shown to be one of the most important parts of the Roman society. Gladiatorial games and fights followed a strict procedure and ceremony. They arrived at the Colosseum through an underground tunnel. From there, they were able to access to the arena through a pair of gates reserved to them only. Additionally, the gladiators often marched in groups, with their distinctive uniform and equipment. This is displayed accurately when Maximus enters the arena through a pair of gates and works with a team of other gladiators with similar outfits. However, they did not wear fantasy helmets and bands wrapped around the lower arms and their armors are not always closely historically accurate. Moreover, Roman people loved to watch people battle to death and bloodthirsty violence as a form of entertainment. Spectators in the film cheered and chanted wildly in the Colosseum when their favorite, Maximus was battling with
In “Is it Immoral to Watch the Superbowl,” author Steve Almond expresses how violence is encouraged and glorified despite its brutal nature. Almond explores the viciousness of pro sports and concludes that football “is the one sport that most faithfully recreates our childhood fantasies of war as a winnable contest.” Almond believes that the satisfaction that comes from winning a game of football encourages people to engage in violence. People desire to win despite the brutality of the game because of how encouraging violence is in football. Football is a sport in which someone can win in a competitive contest and come out victorious, thus being seen as a hero.
It was very similar to Pompeian and Nucerian fans when insults were traded back and forth and then fights broke out. In every sport they have agents or scouts looking for new talent, it was the same in Rome. They had people search newly conquered lands to choose gladiators to fight for them. In football there are different positions such as the Quarterback or tight end, as a gladiator you could choose which type of gladiator you could fight as. Life outside of the games was rough for most gladiators, but sometimes you would have the greatest time of your life.
The people of Rome needed to be entertained or they would revolt. Some The gladiators were also a big help to the emperor, since they gave him protection from the romans. The people of Rome needed to be entertained or they would revolt. Some emperors who were killed are Caracalla, Commodus, and Geta. Finally an emperor saw the gladiator funeral games were a big hit, so he made it bigger than ever. It cost nothing to see the battles, because the emperor wanted everyone to be happy and no one to kill him. The emperors were praised after the games, which meant they not going to get assassinated. In later years, the emperors saw that plain gladiators fights would wear off and not entertain people as much, so they had to come up with variations. That's why the emperors came up with different gladiators like Retiarius and Murmillo. They also came up with horse fighting which was composed up of Equites. That's why they also came up with animal fighting, which was mostly used for executions and rarely used in battles. During the games prime, the emperor had unlimited power which was very intimidating towards the roman people. Most people knew that the emperor had the last say in a gladiators life, but it is most likely that thumbs up meant death and thumbs down meant live, but most of the time the emperor let the spectators and fight organizers decide whether the gladiator would live
In Ancient Rome, city life was chaotic and cluttered. Even through all this hustle and bustle, they still had leisure time to do things for fun. Live entertainment played a major role in their city lives; this was mostly because it was free (Williams). A popular pastime was watching Gladiator fights at the Coliseum. Gladiator fights were where two men would compete in matches against one another (Williams). Man pitted against man was common entertainment, but the gladiators would also battle against lions and tigers (Williams). Today’s society still enjoys adrenaline packed entertainment, but Coliseums have become movie theatres, and Gladiator fights have become action movies (Williams). Even tic-tac-toe, a common pastime game, has roots in the Roman Empire. Romans enjoyed watching
It clearly shows the harsh ways of Romans, but they were based on the funeral procedures of Etruscans. The Gladditorian Games lasted for five days and often the city of 1 million people shut down for the events. It was divided into three parts. A cruel fighting portion reenacted Roman wars and took place on sand that became so saturated with blood that slaves were brought in to shovel it out. Then the coliseum was filled with water where the battles of the sea where reenacted on flat bottom boats.
These weren’t athletes, they were gladiators. Anyone not blind could see that they were out to hurt each other and that the crowd loved them for it.” (Van Der Galien, 2012, para. 4). Using personal experiences and his opinions on experiences watching the NFL gave the reader some credibility that the author has an understanding of the topic.
People are so attracted to football because of all the features that come with it. Some of the main attractions are cheerleaders, international sponsors, popular music, and celebrities are involved also. The one main reason people watch football is because of the physical activity. Americans say “We sinfully love violence.” Some fans described it as “controlled physical activity that would other wise would be considered a felony”(ESPN). One of the main goals in football is to physically and mentally beat your opponent. Also there is many movies over this sport because is has a lot of life lessons that come along with it.
I suppose the Gladiatorial fights were somewhat a trademark of the Roman Empire and indeed Roman Civilisation. I expect that this has something to do with the fact that Rome was built upon bloody conquest, and the Gladiatorial fights amplify both bloody conquest and indeed a noble luxurious life. There was also an aim for all Gladiators, that turned savage blood lust entertainment into an acceptable "tournament" of the highest calibre; gladiators could be given the wooden sword, symbolising freedom; the fact that the Gladiators are working for a goal, rather than just killing each
The sport of football and the way it's played is inspired by rugby,which was popular in European countries then rugby became interesting to play in America. So with the inspiration coming from a rough and brutal sport football did not shy away to the violence, actually that is how the sport thrives. In the 1900s football gain some popular in collegiate sports with powerhouses Harvard, Yale, and Princeton leading the college football to prominence. Though people weren’t really in love with these colleges letting college students play the sport, for a credible reason that the sport was still young and underdeveloped. Players were dying from being injured while playing as football didn’t have structure rules that it has now. A prominent example is the The “Flying
Gladiators were a huge part of the Roman society and a large part of Roman culture. The people of Rome loved gladiator battles. The Roman coliseum was built in order to fit the standards of a bloody, brutal battle while also being able to keep thousands of Roman citizens comfortable and entertained.
Playing fair does is nice but it does not sell tickets. Note the popularity of a Dennis Rodman during his heyday as a player for the Chicago Bulls. At one point he physically hurt a cameraman. Dennis was given a slap on the hand, a fine and some suspended days, but he was not permanently expelled from the game. Hockey is another sport that is well known for the violence of its players. Fans revel in the violence of the sport. Players are specifically hired to act as "goons" or "enforcers". Players who commit a violent act have to sit in a penalty box, but the cheers and enthusiasm of fans upon witnessing the violent plans ensure that such plays are destined to be repeated.
Sport is what modern society makes it. When it comes to an individual being violent, obviously the nature of using verbal or physical actions with the intention harming another person, it communicates a strong message. Through sport, that violent message can be carried out and as a society, it is often accepted. Aggression is a big part of violence in sport. Often times, playing aggressively is something coaches look for and spectators notice. Playing aggressively can lead to violent behavior. The violent behavior can be a reflection of the social settings.