
Football Homecoming Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I have not always had an interest in a foreign language. As a matter of fact, in middle school, I loathed my Spanish class. From verb conjugations to Fiesta Fridays, I abhorred it all. Entering high school I had not anticipated a new perspective on the subject. However, the opposite happened. With a fresh group of teachers and a new atmosphere, I became more open-minded to the thought of being exposed to a culture that was divergent of my own. I kept this mindset with me throughout high school and because of that, I am currently in AP Spanish IV. words words words These past four years of being enrolled in Spanish has influenced me to study International Business at the University of Oklahoma. I am applying for the scholarship because in …show more content…

It is essential that we have leaders in society so that one can pass down the “dos” and “don’ts” of leadership to future generations. Leadership is about doing things when nobody's watching. It is about going the extra mile without any given recognition. I have contributed to my high school by participating in multiple events and organizations. Freshman year, I ran and won the office of Class Vice President. As Vice President, it was my duty to organize my class’s hall decorations for the annual Football Homecoming Week. After months of work days and meetings, we created elaborant, vibrant decorations that covered the halls from floor to ceiling. Due to my increased involvement in other organizations, as a sophomore I ran and won the position of Class Treasurer since it required less responsibility and I could contribute more to the school. My responsibilities changed from working with glue and glitter to handling money and class dues. Junior year, I continued holding the role as Treasurer while being Vice President on the Pom team. My duties as Pom Vice President included organizing all fundraisers, making and selling t-shirts for any pom-related event, and arrange the annual ‘Pom Little Girl’s Clinic.’ I truly had an affinity working with the Little Girl’s Clinic because we were able to create a bond with the young girls by making their dream of being a high school Pom girl come true. In addition to being …show more content…

I became a member of Key Club my sophomore year of high school and I have loved every minute of it. My favorite part of Key Club is going to the Boys and Girls Club of Oklahoma City. The Boys and Girls club is a program that offers a structured environment for children to go afterschool. Seeing children’s faces light up when they see a volunteer walk into a room makes me the most jovial Key Club member. My favorite part about the Boys and Girls Club is volunteering in the dance studio-esque room that is provided. Being a dancer, I always try to find opportunities to share the love I have for dance. Contributing what knowledge I have to these boys and girls and seeing how it impacts them always leaves me feeling positive. Volunteering at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma has also made a great impact on my life. At the Food Bank, the volunteers pack up meals to be sent off to families that can not provide food for themselves. My favorite job at the Food Bank is sorting and packaging bread. The workers will play music and we will dance while arranging bread into boxes. Knowing that I help at least a dozen families in my community by simply sorting loaves of bread has affected me deeply because I know I have changed some lives in a short amount of time. Volunteering at the the Oklahoma Food Bank along with my peers is an unforgettable

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