
For All We Think We Know About Crime There Is Still Much

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For all we think we know about crime there is still much we do not. Where we find crime, we find motives and this leads to the action of committing the crime. An area that we can look at in sociology that helps explain this idea is the knowledge of control theory. This theory helps uncover what processes or environments lead to a life of criminal acts while at the same time it allows for a chance to learn about our world from a social perspective. It will be important to investigate what in fact control theory is, how it applies to the world in a sociological manner and to explore the implication of the theory in real-time crime.
As children, we learn to avoid things that will hurt us whether it be an open flame or a bully at school. The …show more content…

The social control approach to understanding crime is one of the three major sociological perspectives in contemporary criminology. in the early years of the 20th century, sociologists in the United States often discussed social disorganization, the decline of society they saw occurring in immigrant communities and the slums of large cities. The high rates of crime and delinquency in these areas were symptoms of this breakdown. In disorganized areas, unemployment is high and families, schools, and neighborhoods are too powerless to control the behavior of their residents. The societies that we are a part of in turn shape our views of not just the types of crimes committed but also who commits them. Werther, we want to admit it or not crime itself is made up of stereotypes. For example, in American culture, we believe it is less likely for a CEO to commit a crime versus that of a minority in an inner city. The CEO is just as likely to commit a crime regardless of the power they hold. Power is also linked to delinquency the more power you have the more likely you are to abuse it at some point. The same can be said for those that are suppressed by power as they want to question the power over them, the more likely they are to challenge using tactics that are usually delinquent in some way.
Looking now at the how this theory is implemented outside of theorizing and seeing it the ideas being executed in the example of juveniles involved in delinquency. Under the

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