
Forbidden City Life Quotes

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"Every flower must grow through dirt" this quote by Laurie Jean senott perfectly describes how you must go through some tough times before blossoming into the best you you can be. The book Forbidden City shows how going through tough times throughout your life strengthens and makes you grow up more quickly. Alex and his father's experiences in China such as losing each other, witnessing their friends being murdered and finding out what's really important in life helps them realize that war is not a game and helped them mature throughout the novel.

Throughout the book Forbidden city, Alex faces losing his new friends because of the Chinese army. while in Beijing, Alex makes some good friends like Lao Xu, Hong, and …show more content…

Alex's dad Ted also matures greatly. When Alex and his father first witness the issues in china, Ted is focused on getting the award winning shot of the war. Although what is happening outside is very dangerous and scary, Ted has his mind set on getting the perfect shot and he does not care what is in his way. He does not realize how serious the situation is until it affects him directly. When Alex and Ted where separated, Ted realized that what's happening right outside his window, is no longer a joke and it should be taken seriously. Ted realizing that the war is not a joke anymore is shown when he says "Then when I realized that you weren't at the hotel, that you were gone, it wasn't a game anymore." (273) Ted realizes that this war is a very big issue that must be stopped when he loses his son. He matures throughout that point in the book and becomes a better more caring person. Also this whole experience makes Ted finally understands something that Alex has been trying to teach him since the beginning of the novel. A hobby, although you may think it's the most important thing to you. There are things that are way more important. At the beginning of the novel Ted thinks his camera is the most important thing in the world, but after losing Alex and seeing how people are watching their own family members get shot in China, he says "I realized it could've been you Alex. All those kids about your age, shot down, bleeding in the street. Any one of them could have been you." (273) His experiences in China make him understand that he could lose Alex any second, and he definetly did not want that reason to be because of a camera or a picture. His number one priority should not be his camera but it should be Alex and his loved ones. Ted takes his experience in China and uses it to understand that family always comes

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