Ford Motor Company has an excellent social media presence with over one million followers on the social media platforms. This has enabled a gain of 6.2 percent sales in October. The company posts often which makes the followers come back every day to see what's new and trending. It also gives them a reason to engage with the company. However, the company seems to receive a lot of complaints which they don’t tackle efficiently and fast enough. Although it is impractical to respond to every message addressed to them, it is necessary to redirect the complaints to the customer service department, so the customers can have their say without going on a rant on social media. An effective strategy to introduce would be to have content that is only
If a service users wishes to make a complaint or register a concern they should find it easy to
Social media has become an essential channel for corporations to build a two-way relationship with their customers. However, having a social media account cannot solve everything. To make the best use of social media in keeping a positive relationship with their customers, corporations ought to seek and maintain influence among their followers in social media, and participate in communications with them.
Another advantage of the customer loyalty team is the effort the put to promptly reply to any consumer concerns and feedback via the social media.
Millions of people are connected with brands and famous pages through social media platform. People are taking services issues to these pages or channels as their preferred communication source. The feedback in the form of positive or negative are public today and the only real question which arise today is how the companies are going to respond and engage with people.
We are successfully utilizing social media as a powerful way to gain positive exposure and connect with our internet-savvy customers in a global and local level. We rely heavily in word-of-mouth advocacy”. (John Mackey, 2012)
3. Rising customer service standards can partly be attributed to the proliferation of social media.
Customers complaints and feedbacks are very important to any organization it helps the individual organization to improve its product and services.It also helps to introduce something new in market.It could help the organization how to improve customer
The purpose of this literary review is to enlighten my viewers of the importance of the ethical idea of companies crossing the lines of business with your personal life, when involving social media accounts. Most of my research has operated from the ATU library using the find it tool. Furthermost, the researched information use was from peer-reviewed research journal. I will discuss includes social media cons in the work environment, if it is ethical to get fired over a post, and laws that protect both parties. Social media includes an assortment of electronic communications—most commonly networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, Pinterest, Instagram, and the likes thereof. Social media also covers all forms of blogs, including Twitter (a micro-blog), wikis, online journals, diaries, personal newsletters, and World of Warfare and YouTube also are included under the umbrella term of social media (Lieber 2011).
Dell developed a social media program that helped solve customers’ problems, improve Dell’s reputation, and educate customers. It depended on social media to improve sales, predict trends of the market and create the better brand perception online. The company builds the business case for social media, which creates an astonishing model to reduce costs. By putting more problem-solving online, it reduces the volume of calls their customer service representatives receive. By finding trends that that might turn into big problems earlier, they can prepare solutions faster and by having more
Instead of one-way communication, the use of social media presents an opportunity for multiple-way communication between the company and its stakeholders.
Social media is not new. Facebook has been around since 2004, YouTube since 2005, and Twitter in 2006. What is new is how social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are affecting the way businesses market their products and services. Never before in our history have consumers been able to communicate so effortlessly with each other and with the businesses they frequent. Never before have businesses been able to interact and react to customer feedback so quickly and efficiently. However, just because businesses have the ability to use social media for their marketing and advertising efforts, does not necessarily mean they should. This paper intends to
This exercise demonstrates the importance of social media and how it can have an impact of customer relationships. There were well aware of the commitment to customer satisfaction. In fact, they came in last in this category when compared to other airlines. That quickly turned around after an incident in February of 2007. The company then started to use social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook to better communicate with their customers. As a result, they have rebuilt and improved their relationship with their customers. They seem to be more concerned about brand building than sales.
To maintain consumer satisfaction businesses have begun to implement blogs. Effective companies rely on the critical feedback from consumers via social media.
Appears that anywhere you look today you will find someone using social media. With advertisements and commercials even billboards Social Media appears to be anywhere you look. Social Media is such a big thing today, according to study provided by the website Socialnomics, individuals devote 700 billion minutes every month on Facebook ( Social Media has now become so much better for advertising that it is changing how business is done.
Research showed the importance of responsiveness for customers, which influences the overall service quality perception and customer satisfaction (Yang and Jun, 2002; Zhu et al., 2002; Lee and Lin, 2005). Due to the mobile revolution and the growth of the usage of social media, customers can now contact others, share opinions, videos and pictures easily throughout the world. This creates challenges for (online) retailers because bad reviews and complaints can be spread easily, but the opposite is also true. Next to that is gives companies the opportunity to offer service and support via these social media channels, enabling the customer to contact shops in even more, easier and faster ways (Constantinides et al,