
Ford Vs Pinto Case

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Profits are the ultimate result for any business that is in search of remaining viable in a market. Ford Motor has had a challenge with the new car model Pinto. They had a choice in spending more money with the Pinto car. The math done by the NHTSA was a total of $11 per auto. 11Millions cars were supposed to be launched at the cost of $12.5 million, at $11 based on the percentage car that will produce a result of $137.5 million. The cost is more than what they were willing to pay (, Shaw & Barry). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration came up with the approximation of 180 burn deaths, 180 serious burns, and 2100 burned vehicle. It seemed no one really did any soul searching on the cost of life and the economic lost of life in …show more content…

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has established guidelines for all automakers to fallow. The guidelines were made to reduce fire during automobile collision. In 1972 and 1973 , the standard was 20mph and 30 mph of a rear end accident without any spillage of fuel (, Shaw & Barry). On the other hand, Pinto could not withstand such impact spilling fuel on passengers inside the car. Between 1971-1978, Ford statistics on death by Pinto to 13 lives while critic put it at 500 (, Shaw & Barry). Several lawsuits were initiated by the victims and fines were paid by Ford motor. Even though, the organization claimed they were following established rules, but the ethical and moral position would have been to acknowledge the fault of the car and apologized for the fatality. Nevertheless, the executives stood by their product and never waiver the fact that the product was not safe to be on the road. Several families sued Ford Motor and received compensation for their lost, but it is not like having the alive and well. Through the years, the company survive all those obstacle and remained in business. An apology to the families who have lost love one would have been seen as repentant to one action. The situation would not bring back those individuals, but earned a bit of respect from

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