
Forensic Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

Business This section includes everything that is a “must have” for forensics. This encompasses the syllabus, handbook, team contact sheet, tourney schedule, etc… I also decided to include my first semester goal as well as my “event definitions” because I can’t deny that I sometimes forget specific characteristics of an event. Overall, these items were chosen to be included because they are undeniably the most important documents we have in forensics. When we can’t find our tourney sheet when doing sign-ups, we go into denial that we might have forgotten such an necessary piece of information. Since these were also a few of the first pieces of forensics papers that we encountered, we were in denial about the reality that school was in session. Boot Camp This section includes all materials concerning boot camp. This encompasses all documents concerning my informational speech on eggs (the research, outline, etc…), and my monologue. I also included the limited prep / poetry packet as a reminder that I didn’t have to complete that section. I choose to include these documents because they serve as a reminder of a time before we had developed our presentation skills. Before boot camp, when we had to present, most of us were filled with fear, frustration, …show more content…

This section was included because it represents what we learned early on about forensics and our ability, at a certain time, to regurgitate that information. It also serves as a reminder of Ms. Denney Bull’s generosity because after one of the quizzes (that many people did poorly on) she allowed people to retake the quiz after some bargaining. These documents are also important because they show whether or not we understood the first things we learned about forensics. At this time we were beginning to bargain with ourselves over whether or not to do something else, or study for forensics as we transitioned from

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