
Forensic Science

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Discuss the applications of each of following in biology today and include three examples of each with a brief description. (1) DNA in forensic science (2) Population evolution and microbial life (3) Biological diversity evolution (4) Plant and animal development (5) Population growth, and (6) Biomes and Ecosystems. 1. Forensic science, today according to Different Types of DNA, (n.d.), can be used to determine the elements of biological evidence to solve crimes and bring closure to other legal battle. Different Types of DNA further added, because human DNA is incomparable, and DNA testing can verify individuals bringing certainty to unanswered questions, forensic science was able to influences different areas of society. With this type of certainty, forensic science is use by law makers to provide various types of DNA outlined view, such as: DNA profiling, prenatal paternity, and paternity testing, (Different Types of DNA). DNA profiling is accomplished through the analysis of one's DNA from the swabbing of the inner portion of their mouth. Prenatal paternity test, this can be achieved through swabbing of DNA from the mother and father for buccal swab. And lastly, paternity testing, a process that can be conducted on pregnant women through Chorionic Villus Sampling to resolved growth …show more content…

Because eukaryote is not perceptible to the naked eye, we tend to neglect them. As a result of this, eukaryote help to furnish the growth of oxygen in the atmosphere, and take care of the decay of organic materials and nutrient cycling, and 3. Polyphyletic also known as algal evolve through separate endosymbiotic occurrence. As a result, this population is identified on the principle of a similar level of structure, and not on evolutionary origins (Plant and Animal

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