
Forensic Science Research Paper

Decent Essays

In general terms, forensic science is basically applying science or scientific knowledge to the rules of law either by definition or enforcement of them, but with the growing changes in society, it is should start to rely on the rules of laws to maintain order and stability within our society. The application of science to the laws are becoming much more common now that government agencies are realizing that it is important to monitor and view such activities that influence our lifestyles and how we live. Also, it is essentially hard to plan or produce any food, drug regulations, or environmental protection acts that can be monitored or enforced without the applications of scientific technology or any other such applications within the scientific …show more content…

Despite the fact that applications of science to the law does not always bring a solution to a problem, it still plays a vital role within the law enforcement field as scientists can use their scientific knowledge to help and provide general and accurate details that displays what actions were taken by a party in the event of a crime. Even though trying to explain forensic science in the most general way possible is difficult, our common usage of the term “forensic science” allows us to narrow the definition of the term down to simply “the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in the criminal justice system.” This means that forensic science is basically using scientific information and data to help enforce, support, and revise criminal or civil laws that are enforced by police agencies within our criminal justice

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