
Forensic Social Work Paper

Decent Essays

Forensic Social Work Paper (30%)

Each student will write a paper focused on a related topic regarding current trends in Forensic Social Work. • Child Welfare

The paper is to be 5-10 pages in length, double spaced, in American Psychological Association (APA) format. The paper is required to have at ten references from peer reviewed sources. Your paper should include each of the following components: History of the problem (background information/current problem), current trends and research in this area (you can focus on how your topic impacts society, community, family and individuals), treatment modalities and how the strengths perspective can be used with that particular population.

Child Welfare in Relation to Forensic Social …show more content…

Forensic social work is the application of social work to questions and issues relating to law and legal systems (Sheehan, 2011) Although it may not be heard of as much, forensic social work has been embedded around since early 20th century. There are many different connections of social work practices that can go along with forensic social work, however, child welfare is, without a doubt, an aspect of social work that has been an ongoing and current trend in Forensic Social Work. Different aspects of child welfare include any type of child maltreatment. A few examples that are commonly brought up is child custody issues, neglect, and child abuse. Forensic social work has been incorporated within Child Welfare since Child Welfare has developed into what it is …show more content…

As forensic social workers become involved, they speak with the parents and other people in contact with the child, such as doctors, teachers, or child care providers. They also may speak with the child, alone or in the presence of caregivers, depending on the child's age and level of risk. Children who are believed to be in immediate danger may be moved to a shelter, a foster home, or a relative's home during the investigation and while court proceedings are pending. An investigator also engages the family, assessing strengths and needs and initiating connections to community resources and services.
Examples of legal issues that impact social workers include a child welfare worker who provides expert testimony for cases of child victims of abuse, a social worker in family services whose client is going through a divorce and custody battle for her children, a social

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