
Foreshadow In Trifles

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In the shows, movies, and comics Superman shares numerous trait with Jesus Christ. First of all, Superman is between the ages twenty-nine to thirty-five while Christ was thirty-three years of age. Often times in Superman cartoons he is shown to be captured by his enemies in a crucified manner similar to how Christ was nailed to the cross. Then, in the movie Superman Returns, Superman harms his hands in his attempt to launch a large mass of Kryptonite, his only weakness which drains his body of vital energy, away from Earth. This also saves the lives of thousands of people and animals from the massive cracking and earthquakes occurring due to the chemicals presence on Earth. During his final battle, a boy believed to be Superman’s son due to …show more content…

Ironically, the news gets delivered to them while the children play on the beach a place of enjoyment and often times a place for family bonding. Snicket chooses to utilize these associated ideas by ripping a family in half to show how the Baudelaire children have had their world turned upside down much like the beach. In order to foreshadow this and to make this connection the author describes the usually lively beach as “gray and cloudy [with] murky water [surrounded by] fog.” Then, later in the novel, Mr. Poe, the man in charge of their new housing arrangements, informs the children that upon their parents will it stated that they live in the city of their home. Snicket uses this familiar surroundings in order to compare the children to a fish switching bowls. The environment is the same yet the water is different causing the fish to literally be thrown into dismay. On their way to their new guardian, Count Olaf, the car passes by the Royal Gardens which has now become “an enormous pile of dirt” much like the children. Their parents considered royalty due to their abundance of money have now become ashes along with their home: dirt. However, the dirt also coincides with the kids because no adult takes them seriously due to the death of their parents no one has respect for such young people. They soon are treated as – dirt. …show more content…

It is peculiar as to why J.K. Rowling chose to place the scar upon Harry’s forehead. The source of thought and reason. Perhaps, it was to somehow inflict Voldemort’s values and beliefs into Harry’s mind to join the Death Eaters, so that way the Lord could ensure one of his horcruxes safety. Makes sense as to why Voldemort never killed nor could kill Harry or else he’d lose a fragment of himself. The meaning of lightning bolt has meant power evident in the God of Gods: Zeus. Even in the anime One Piece, it is even said that the one power mankind has never overpowered was lightning. You can draw the energy to a lightning rod however its powers are evident. To be struck by lightning usually means death because the body cannot handle the one billion joules of energy a bolt creates. Therefore, it is almost unheard of that Harry Potter survived such a traumatic experience of being stuck by Voldemort’s dark magic symbolically equal to lightning. Is to withstand lightning equivalent to overcoming nature? This ability is certain to be deemed utter madness, for in all of history human have been at the hand of nature. We cannot live through an Ice Age, survive a hurricane nor live to tell the tale of the beauty and terror of an arriving tsunami. Yet, with the surviving Potter it is to every magic user’s dismay how he survived. Similar to man

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