
Forests And Temperate Grasslands

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Grasslands are lands that have a lot of grass! Grasslands have very few trees. This is because it does not rain enough to grow many trees. There are two kinds of grasslands: savannas and temperate grasslands. A savanna is a grassland found in warm climates. The largest savanna is in Africa. Savannas have many herbivores or plant eating animals such as elephants, giraffes, and zebras. Many of these animals eat grass. They also have carnivores or meat eating animals such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas. Temperate grasslands have a lot of grass and good soil for farming. Temperate grasslands are also called prairies, steppes, or pampas. The weather here is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Some of the animals that live here are rabbits, buffalo, wolves, and insects. Forests are full of lots of trees! There are 3 kinds of forests: tropical forests, temperate forests, and boreal forests. Each different kind of forest has different types of trees and animals. Tropical forests are found in hot and humid places near the equator. Rainforests and jungles are tropical forests. It is called a rainforest because it rains a lot. Animals such as snakes, gorillas, jaguars, monkeys, and parrots live here. Temperate forests are like the forests we are used to. The leaves change color with the seasons. Maple, elm, and oak trees are found in temperate forests. Some of the animals that live here are mountain lions, bears, deer, and squirrels. Boreal forests are found in the North and

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