
Foretold Bystander Effect

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“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” by Gabriel García Márquez was written and published in Colombia 1981, the novel was original written in Spanish and translated into English. In every well-structured society, there exist authoritative figures and leaders that are looked upon by their people to provide leadership and security. A successful leader involves themselves with protecting the justice rather than their status or personal interest. Garcia Marquez portrays the bystander effect of authoritative figure’s influences on characters in “A chronicle of a Death Foretold”. The bystander effect is defined as the passive nature of characters to act on injustice and expect others to step in and take control (R). This influences the characters around Santiago Nasar to act passively and submissively, unless it affects them personally or benefits them. As Nasar nears his death, many of those who are informed take no action to prevent his now inevitable death, as they all rely on others to help, instead of taking initiative. Ignorance is displayed by specific characters such as Angela Vicario, Colonel Lazaro Aponte, Clotilde Armenta, Father Armador and even a close friend, Cristo Bedoya. Each character’s ignorance is related to the feared apathy incited by community leaders and ultimately results in Nasar’s death. …show more content…

Foreshadowing of the bystander effect is present in Santiago's very first dream. His dream is described by the narrator as “flying through a forest of trees in a tinfoil airplane”. A tinfoil plane is delicate as though it is destined to crash, foreshadowing Santiago’s eventual demise. In addition the trees display the bystander effect as almost the entire community watch his fate unfold as a result of various circumstances of the

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