Forever Timeless Love Photography is a photography company that is located in Fort Myers, Florida. The service areas they cover include Fort Myers, Naples, Bonita Springs, Sanibel, Marco Island, and beyond. Forever Timeless Love Photography has been in the photography industry for over 10 years. Forever Timeless Love Photography specializes in wedding photography as well as engagement photography. Their engagement session includes 30 minute of photo session, 1 photographer, 1 location, unlimited numbers of images taken, basic editing, 10 digital images via download in high resolution and printing rights, and online gallery for 1 month. Their wedding collections include # of hours of wedding coverage, 1 photographer, unlimited locations, unlimited
Lauren Tarpley Photography is a photography studio that is located in Garland, Texas. This business was established in Atlanta but Lauren Tarpley relocated to Texas because her husband is a Texan. Lauren Tarpley has been a professional photographer for more than 6 years. Lauren Tarpley Photography specializes in children photography, maternity photography, couple photography, newborn photography, wedding photography, and high school senior photography.
Chelsie Spacke Photography is a portrait photography studio that is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. They specialize in newborn photography. Chelsie Spacke Photography continues to photograph babies up to the first year of their lives. Chelsie Spacke Photography also offers family photography as well. These family portraits along with their memories will definitely last a lifetime. Chelsie Spacke has studied in the Purchase College where she majored in Fine Art Photography and Art History. Chelsie Spacke has concentrated on the study of history of photography specifically.
Egle Ruth Photography is a photography studio that is located in Hingham, Massachusetts. Egle Ruth Photography serves the areas around South Shore of Boston, Cape Code, Norwell, Quincy, Weymouth, Braintree, Hanover, Marshfield, and Duxbury. Egle Ruth is a family photographer who focuses in maternity, newborn, baby, child and senior custom portraiture. Their goal is to create photography masterpieces that translate into beautiful imagery worthy of displaying in their client’s home.
From the 31 Rules of Courtly Love, I agree strongly with rule 31. It states Nothing forbids one woman being loved by two men or one man by two women. Equally important there are many examples displayed of this type of love all over. For instance the television show Love and Hip Hop Atlanta that is broadcasted on VH1, it's one man and two women. Another example includes Sister Wives that broadcasts on TLC which is a television show that involves one man and five wives. However, the movie Twilight also has a love triangle with two men and one woman. Additionally, the most accepted are in a common religion of Muslims, one man, and up to four wives. This form of Courtly Love is now a practice that is showcased to the world in a manner of explanation.
If any objections had been raised regarding his marriage to Rose, Alyn had not been made aware of them, and so as the afternoon drew on, the two of them stood before the doors of the small wooden church, Rose on the left and Alyn on the right. Father Twain stood before them just outside the doors, paid for the marriage with a loan from Lord Porter and now garbed in his priestly vestments, a gray ankle-length tunic called an alb, with sleeveless brown chasuble overtop and wheat-brown stole around his shoulders.
Larissa Jordan was a peppy young girl, especially for one who grew up on the Black Isles of Doracha. As a child, she had never been told of the island's’ dark history, nor had she been told of the reasons why families were forced to move away from the mainlands and onto the Isles. And what you don’t know can’t hurt you. At least, that’s what Larissa’s parents believed; and for twelve years, twelve blissfully peaceful years, they appeared to be correct.
For everyday pictures, you can mix things up by telling a story with your photography. Instead of snapping pictures as they happen with no influence on the shots, this style of photography involves planning and executing your vision. The storytelling is completely up to you.
Discuss the central moral issue of two of the authors as expressed in their books.
This photo journal assignment was very interesting and educational. It helped me look outside the box and to really relate geography to my everyday life. My first relatable topic that I came in contact with during this assignment was the process of evaporation. At Dry Creek park in Modesto, CA, I witnessed evaporation taking place in the creek. I have been going to this park for quite some time and in the summer, water levels decrease drastically. Evaporation is one of the four phases in the hydrologic cycle (water cycle). According to our Geosystems Eighth Edition book, Christopherson say, “Water travels endlessly through the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. [...] Currents of water, vapor, ice and energy are flowing
Katherine Boo’s implicit purpose for writing Behind the Beautiful Forevers was to give the reader an inside look at a day in the life of an individual living within a slum of Mumbai. The residents of the Mumbai slum, Annawadi, live upon piles of waste where there is minimal opportunity to create a better life for themselves. For example, residents within the slums of Mumbai scavenge through “mounds of illegally dumped construction rubble” (73) in hopes of making a profit off recyclable materials so they can provide a source of income for their families. The vast majority of individuals living within the slums of Mumbai have no choice but to scavenge because at a young age, they are pulled from their education and told they don’t “have a
Behind the Beautiful Forever by Katherine Boo is about citizens trying to survive in Annawadi one of India’s biggest slums of 2008. Their slum is built on land that belongs to Mumbai airport. All of the citizens living in this slum face many struggles in their day to day lives that they must overcome to survive. In this book the Muslim Husian family’s struggles are described, they are the minority in the slum surrounded by Hindus. One family member, Abdul, is the oldest boy who helps the family with money by collecting garbage. Other boys bring Abdul different garbage they find and he weighs it, and decides what products are worth reselling to the big recycling center.
In “Why We Take Pictures,” Susan Sontag discusses the increase use of technology and its ability to impact the daily lives of mankind. Taking pictures is a form of self-evolution that slowly begins to shape past and present experiences into reality. Sontag argues how the use of photography is capable of surpassing our reality by helping us understand the concept of emotion, diversity, and by alleviating anxiety and becoming empowered. Moreover, according to her argument, people are able to construct a bond between the positive or negative moments in life to cognitively release stress through reminiscing. Therefore, Sontag claims that photography itself can help with reshaping individual’s perspectives of reality by being able to empathize with the emotions portrayed through an image. Thus, giving
The city of Mumbai has seen much growth in the past years. A string of elegant hotels have been set up for travelers and high-class business men. An ever growing, top of the line airport has been built for those coming in and out of the country. From the outside, Mumbai seems to have taken a liking to being internationally integrated with the rest of world, otherwise known as globalization. This is not the case, however; as seen in Katherine Boo’s novel Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity. This novel is set in a slum right next to the Mumbai International Airport called
In Barbara Graham’s “The Future of Love”, she says long-term fairy tale romance inspires true love believers and their perspective towards love itself. Graham expresses the idea that to her, a lot of relationships fail because both partners in the relationship fall in love with an idealistic view of who the other person is. She explains that couples jump into relationships thinking their significant other was this perfect image they made him/her out to be only to come to realization that it was a figment of their imagination. Graham also defies the sappy happy endings that she says everyone believes in since heartbroken romantics oversee a lot of the incompatibilities and faults in a relationship to make it more
What is a photograph? The simplicity of taking a photograph leads many to ponder its artistic value. Yet, it is undeniable that there are some photos that cause an emotional reaction deeper than simply observing a recorded point in time. Surely, there are photographs that cause more reaction than some modern art pieces. There seems to be two types of photographs. The first classification is the ‘time capture’ photo – an image with the sole purpose of recording a particular event or point in time. The second nature of a photo carries a ‘deeper meaning,’ which has the ability to change the observer’s mood and cause a reaction. But what distinguishes these two varieties? There are a