
Forgotten Voices of the Sioux Nation

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When people are asked to voice their opinion about what the word “Indian” truly entails, many refer to the countless stories, photographs, and films particularly related to them. One such group, the Sioux are a great example of the many inaccurate depictions history has burden them with. They are seen first and foremost as savaged killers who took and never gave back. However, with time much has been revealed to show their true characteristics. It was found that they were not people of war and bloodshed, but merely of honor and strength. Stepping away from the bias, the Sioux nation was an extraordinary group of nomads who survived on the buffalo population, tribal interactions, and family contributions. The Sioux or Lakota was a “nation that was comprised of seven major divisions: the Oglala, Sinchangu, Miniconjou, Hunkpapa, Shihaspa, Itazipcho, and Oohenonpa” (Hassrick 3). The Oglalas or “Scatter One’s Own,’ lived relatively close to the northern branch of the Platte River.) This provided plenty of fertile land for crops and for any livestock they may have had. They were also the most populous of the seven. The Sichangus or “Burnt Thighs” were located just to the south-east of the oglalas. The Miniconjous or “Those Who Plant by the Stream” and the Oohenonpas or “Two Boilings, more commonly known as “Two Kettles,” lived to the north of the Sinchangus. Together, these seven divisions formed what would be known as the seven council fires. Having a

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