Felipe was a first grader at Littlewood Elementary School. English is his second language and Portuguese is his primary language. Felipe is fluent in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the English language. Felipe lives with his mother, father, an older brother, and two cats. His parents are from Brazil and have lived in the United States for 16 years. Felipe and his brother were born in the United States. Felipe was born full-term but encountered some medical issues shortly after birth. At 13 months old, he experienced a weeklong fever of 104-105 degrees. During his first year of life, Felipe received antibiotics for recurrent ear infections before pressure-equalization tubes were implemented in December 2010. At 19 months old, he was also diagnosed with a developmental delay in communication, resulting in his …show more content…
In the first testing session, he was quiet and would only respond when given questions. As the testing progressed, Felipe started to elaborate in his responses, such as sharing the names of his cats, a native dish that is his favorite, and what book series his brother was currently reading. He completed all assessment tasks given to him without any complaints or objections. In the second testing session, Felipe readily spoke more and asked questions about our session, such as, “How long am I going to be here today? Is this the last reading? This is my favorite color.” Since there were more assessments in this session than the previous one, toward the end of the session, Felipe did start squirming in his seat. As a result, I had him take a break to stretch and move around. After the break, he continued with the rest of the assessments. Again, he completed all assessments in this session without any complaint or
On 11/6/2017 at 1400 hours, I Officer Graves, responded to 735 E Haggard Ave Elon, NC 27244 in reference to an assist. Upon arrival Detective Turney, Lieutenant Sweat, and Officer Peters were at apartment K executing a search warrant. I was requested to remain outside of the residence at the front door. At 1426 hours Captain B. Tillotson entered the residence and left at 1441 hours. At hours Officer Peters released Jacy Loshin from the premises after issuing a citation. At 1455 hours Officer Chavis entered the residence and remained until the search warrant execution was completed at 1530 hours, when all remaining officers cleared.
Now comes the Defendant, Joseph Bettina, files this Motion For temporary Support and would shows:
While at GPM, I attended a session of Treatment Accountability Court (“TAC”) (formerly Mental Health Court) and DUI/Drug Court. Both Courts operate similarly. Several hours before the court session, members of the legal community meet to discuss the progress of each participate scheduled to appear that day. Legal representatives include members from the Sheriff’s Office, Solicitor General’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, the judge who presides over the proceeding, a Program Coordinator & Counselor, a misdemeanor probation officer, and a felony probation officer. The group discusses the status of each participate and whether they’re meeting the conditions set forth by the court. The programs are conducted in phases,
3. How could a section 1983 action be brought where an officer in the locker room preparing for off duty accidentally discharged his revolver, striking a custodian? What would be the justification for a lawsuit in this case? The officer was wrong in this accidental discharge. Police are responsible for the fire arm and even if the officer didn’t shoot someone you are supposed to be able to control the fire arm. This was an accident not meant to hurt someone but if you can’t control a gun you shouldn’t be able to carry one. Negligence like this could kill someone on accident. Officers should treat every gun as they are dangerous because like shown in this case they can hurt someone. He could say it was an accident but if I was the custodian
The Eleventh Circuit found that the Commission’s selection process in 2003-2004 “categorically excluded” certain faiths from the list of potential invocational speakers for meetings of the planning commission. Id. at 1282. In addition, the court found that the Commission’s selection of invocational speakers was not based on an impermissible motive because it included diverse religious institutions. Id. at 1278 ( citing Marsh 463 U.S. at 793-94).
I conducted a conference call with Vice President of Claims, Mr. Petro. I advised that overall I found no deficiencies in their management of claims or in their reserve practices, other than the two claims where the adjuster did not comply with Hylant’s reserve protocol. It was suggested that should have a more formalized litigation bill review where someone other than the adjuster review for proper billing and litigation compliance. Mr. Perto believes the current process in place where the adjusters audit the legal invoice is adequate at this time, but will take it under consideration.
Throughout the course of this lawsuit, we have attempted to resolve it. Plaintiff’s counsel initially refused to provide us with a demand, stating only that the case value was in the “seven figure” range. After we produced the photos of the stairs with the temporary lights in place, Plaintiff’s counsel called and admitted that this evidence posed a problem for him. He had previously believed his client’s testimony that no lights were present. We informed him that his client’s testimony is laced with numerous lies about everything from the lighting conditions to her past medical history. We also advised we would not schedule our clients for depositions until he provided a reasonable settlement demand. After further consultation with his
If you are having any problems with your court, then you will need to contact a professional court refinisher. We can properly fix your court and ensure that all of the rules and regulations are followed. We have been one of the leading court contractors in Southwest Florida for the past 32 years. We build and resurface tennis courts, basketball courts, Bocce courts and racket courts. We offer free estimates on our services. We are your one-stop shop to renovate your recreational facilities. We take a lot of pride in the work that we do and look forward to resurfacing your
Tuesday, I had the opportunity to sit in on a client interview with assistant public defender Clair Hughes. The interview began by asking him questions in regards to how many probations he currently had and when it ended. The individual was arrested while driving a four wheeler and when he got to the county jail, the deputies found Alpha PVP in his mouth. She then began to explore the strategies she could use in defending the client, such as arguing that the search was illegal and that he did not have knowledge of his license being suspended. Both approaches very clever because it shows that attorneys aim to work a case from several angles to benefit the defendant.
I was able to witness series of cases in Brampton court located at 7755 Hurontario Street, Brampton, ON. Initially, I was suppose to attend court dates to witness Acorn to Oak lawyer’s client on November 4th and 5th , 2015, but due to my professional class in school, I missed the 4th of November date. However, I was able to meet up with the agency lawyer on the second day, and then debrief how the case went day before.
Role-playing, simulations and program activities allow the group leader/ staff the opportunity to provide the group members with situations that require them to engage in a process where the leader/ staff can make observations and assess the member’s behaviors. For example, role-playing allows the group leaders and other members the opportunity to watch the group members work through various scenarios, taking note of the ways they respond to the given scenario as well as the ways in which they interact with the other members. This also allows the staff/ leader and providing them with feedback and the opportunity to process with the group. Simulations and program activities also allow all members to participate in the given activity as well as the chance to work through the simulation. In doing so, the members are given an opportunity to explore the new skills, which in turn provides the group leader the opportunity to assess nonverbal behavior as well as their interactions with others and their
It will be my task to summarize an account of events that lead to one of New York most notable criminal court cases in its history. The case revolved around the murder victim William M. Rice and the two conspirator accused of the act, Charles F. Jones and Albert T. Patrick. Jones was the long time servant and confidant to Rice as well as the eventual confessed actor in his murder. Patrick was an unpolished lawyer who gained access to Rice’s legal dealings after being hired by opposing litigation against Rice but was also accused of setting events in motion toward the eventual death of Rice. The questions of whether Jones was the actual murderer and whether it was due to Patrick’s motivated instigation is in brief below and still in
On September 14th 2015, at or about 0532 hours at the location of 2900 Polk street Suite 226 (Hollywood Gateway motel) which is located within the jurisdictional limits of the city of hollywood, within broward county and the state of florida the above named defendant did commit a battery upon the victim herein identified as Georgette Lipford. Mark Tillman did intentionally touch or strike Georgette Lipford against her will. Mark Tillman did intentionally cause bodily harm to Georgette Lipford. It should be noted that Mark Tillman and Georgette Lipford are both in a dating relationship, and reside as a family.
Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, the emperor, was stripped of his pride. He was degraded in front of his empire. One afternoon in the town, my client was approached by a swindler who gave him an offer she knew he could not refuse. She offered to weave him the most beautiful outfit that could only be seen by people who were intelligent and fit for their positions. He then hired them, as anyone else would do, and paid her and gave her beautiful cloth that was never used for intended purpose . My client was concerned about where all the cloth was going. Lets remember one thing, one of my client’s biggest reasons for purchasing this swindler was because she could supposably weave fabric that only could be