
Formal Court Case Study

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Felipe was a first grader at Littlewood Elementary School. English is his second language and Portuguese is his primary language. Felipe is fluent in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the English language. Felipe lives with his mother, father, an older brother, and two cats. His parents are from Brazil and have lived in the United States for 16 years. Felipe and his brother were born in the United States. Felipe was born full-term but encountered some medical issues shortly after birth. At 13 months old, he experienced a weeklong fever of 104-105 degrees. During his first year of life, Felipe received antibiotics for recurrent ear infections before pressure-equalization tubes were implemented in December 2010. At 19 months old, he was also diagnosed with a developmental delay in communication, resulting in his …show more content…

In the first testing session, he was quiet and would only respond when given questions. As the testing progressed, Felipe started to elaborate in his responses, such as sharing the names of his cats, a native dish that is his favorite, and what book series his brother was currently reading. He completed all assessment tasks given to him without any complaints or objections. In the second testing session, Felipe readily spoke more and asked questions about our session, such as, “How long am I going to be here today? Is this the last reading? This is my favorite color.” Since there were more assessments in this session than the previous one, toward the end of the session, Felipe did start squirming in his seat. As a result, I had him take a break to stretch and move around. After the break, he continued with the rest of the assessments. Again, he completed all assessments in this session without any complaint or

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