1. A formal role is a role that is assigned by a superior power in or outside of the group. Our group didn’t assign formal group roles. We all helped where needed. The closest thing to a formal role was the secretary who “takes minutes of meetings, prepares reports for further discussion and decision making, and reminds members of past actions that may have been forgotten” (145). I always took the group minutes. It wasn’t something decided upon by the group. Moreover, I just had pen and paper out the first time and thus took on the role every other time afterward. 2. There were many informal roles. As there were many functions needed to be done, we each had an informal role to do them. My role in the group changed over time. With the …show more content…
As a system is “a set of interconnected parts working to form a whole in in the context of a changing environment,” our group could be considered a system (40). As synergy is produced in “three ways,” of high motivation, group effort, and deep diversity (45-46). Our group displayed positive synergy, by “exceeding expectations based on perceived abilities of individual group members” (43). Achieving synergy wasn’t difficult as everyone in the group was highly motivated to get a good grade, willing to work as a group, and brought different knowledge, abilities, skills, and problem-solving strategies. Our group experienced the benefit of synergy when I showed the video before our presentation; the group made suggestions on ways to fix it such as adding music, putting in transitions, and creating longer periods for the titles to be read. The group had a well-developed dynamic equilibrium. As with the earlier example of Jessica as devil’s advocate, the group welcomed small amounts of change, but the group would not allow for a change to occur in what game was decided that late in the planning stage. Our group realized that while “there is no perfect balance point between stability and change,” we were operating within “a range in which systems can manage effectively,” (50). Our boundary control wasn’t exactly porous, but neither was is impermeable. We had help from “the outside environment” by having our friends play the game. Our boundary control was “permeable” as we …show more content…
I was a moderately active group member with the seven out of ten. I came to all the meetings. The reason I am not at a ten out of ten is my lateness to some of the meetings. But my sensitivity to the needs of the group helped to keep everyone involved and engaged. Our group started each meeting with a minute or two talking about something unrelated to the project to help reduce the primary tension and prevent secondary tension. In the future, I will strive to follow the implicit rules and come to each meeting on time. Consequently, the meetings will presumably take less time and be more effective. Another improvement, I will work to increase my competency by an attitude of “praise first, then describe,” “use I-statements,” “make descriptions specific,” “eliminate editorial comments,” to achieve descriptive effectiveness.
2.3 Explain how you work with a group/s to agree acceptable group and individual behavior.
6. Show up to meetings and if meeting was missed contact the others in the group to be updated as to what was missed. 7. Complete assignments before class and group meetings. 8. Assist others if having trouble with assignments within the group. 9. Adapt to change in curriculum – remaining flexible. 10. Under any and all circumstances, get what work I am allotted to do, done and turned in on time. 11. If I am sick and unable to make it to class on the date a group assignment is due, I will call my group members to make other arrangements to get my work turned in on time. 12. Will do my share of the group work, there will never be an occasion where one group member does all of the work nor will there be a time when a group member does none of the work. 13. Will do everything in my capabilities to help my fellow group members understand each and every concept and problem. 14. Will
As Snow stated in his week twelve journal, “My group for this class has been really good on solving any problems we've had. We are sure everyone is focused and gets our tasks accomplished effectively” (Snow, 2016). It is interesting that at week one, Katie posted that “I was worried I would get a group that wouldn't match well together since that happens quite often.” (O’Hara, 2016), as compared to her final journal where she states, “My group has pushed me to become more active within the group. We have learned to trust one another and we continue to learn from each other” (O’Hara, 2016).
Power can often bring great change in a person, whether it is for the better or for the worse. Many authors showcase how power and its abuse affect others and the person in power in their stories. In the memoir Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Bryan is a lawyer who aims to expose the discrimination in the legal system by helping those who have experienced bias due to their race or socio-economic status. In the short story “Ashes”, by Susan Beth Pfeffer, Ashleigh is a main character who is being controlled by her father to steal money from her mother. In Just Mercy, Braun Stevenson expertly utilizes dialogue throughout the book to generate empathy for the victims of the legal system while also reinforcing the theme of people tending to abuse power;
When we talk about a ‘role’ most people instantly think of playing a part, or acting in some capacity. A role involves some idea of expected behaviour associated
- There are three main roles that a group member can fill, each with their own variations: task oriented, socioemotional, and destructive.
Whenever I received group projects in high school, I would end up doing all of the work while my teammates would mess around, and that shaped my belief that working alone is better than with partners. However, Keith Lee (taking Richard Lapchick’s place) and Jeff Moore showed me the importance of teamwork with two different concepts. Keith Lee emphasized how a “willingness to cooperate” with others will improve a community’s efficiency, describing how one person’s selfishness can interfere with its objectives in the same way an uncooperative player can determine the winning team of a football game. Furthermore, Jeff Moore’s musical demonstration visualizes how teamwork affects the coordination of a community. If one member of the band plays at the wrong time, then the rhythm of the song will collapse. One situation results from a refusal to cooperate, while the other results from a lack of experience, but teamwork prevents both of them from
One of the concept I noticed while I was at Boys & Girls Club was the statues and roles. Each staff member had their own important roles that they played part in at B&G Club but the same status; their status was B&G club staff member. For example, Joe status was a staff member but a higher advanced one; Joe was the manager of the club. He had more important roles then the other staff members. Joe made sure everything was going in order. Another staff member is Jeff. Jeff’s role is less demanding. He just helps around Joe and make sure the kids are behaving. Each staff member had a different role they played. Either it was the manager. helping recreations, or small groups, they each put in a different part to help out.
| Groups also have members who play certain social roles: * Encourager: Praises the ideas of others. * Harmonizer: Mediates differences between group members. * Compromiser: Moves group to another position that is favored by all group members. * Gatekeeper/expediter: Keeps communication channels open. * Standard Setter: Suggests standards or criteria for the group to achieve. * Group observer: Keeps records of group activities and uses this information to offer feedback to the group. * Follower: Goes along with the group and accepts the group 's ideas (Roles in Groups, 1999).
Gender Inequality Implanted Through Past and Present In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout says, “I felt the starched walls of a pink cotton penitentiary closing in on me, and for the second time in my life I thought of running away. Immediately” (Lee 155). In this novel, Scout, the main character, is adventurous and experiences the world from an unbiased perspective. Scout must follow the strict rules of her “mother figure” Aunt Alexandra.
Group member cohesiveness was absent from the group meeting for several reasons, but the primary reasons were due to the fact that the group members did not have a common description of value or structure to the discussion. Each member viewed their own area of involvement within the organization as being more valuable than any other area, and it was this exclusion of other valuable traits that lead the group to begin to clash in such a
A group consists of two or more people who interact with each other and share a common purpose. A group consists of individuals who work independently and are led by a strong focused individual. A group that I participate in is Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Sanstha (BAPS) Swaminarayan youth group. BAPS is a worldwide religious and civic organization within the Swaminarayan branch of Hinduism. BAPS was established as a formal organization on 5 June 1907 by Shastriji Maharaj. It was formed on the founder's doctrinal stand that Swaminarayan had promised to remain manifest in the person of Akshar, a term used to describe his chief devotee and Swaminarayan's abode. From the age of 5 to 21, I have been an active member of the BAPS Swaminarayan
Next time I think I would like to push a little harder with the collaboration and have more of a deadline set with the other group members as to when things have to be finished by . It felt like the most collaboration we had was via email instead of on the group wiki, which was a little disappointing. A lot of the time I felt like I was talking to myself on the wiki and discussion board.
I see this as a natural progression or result from practicing habits four and five. If the goal is win-win and we are listening empathetically it is easy to appreciate and embrace the power of synergy. Put in other terms, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I scored in the top quadrant in this area. Inclusion is very important to me.
The things I will have done differently in the group was to use my time wisely. I believe because we were on a time frame, I tended to rush things just to say okay where done. Also, more support and trust at a point of time I was kind of second guessing another idea. I feel that you have to have trust in your group member to make it effective.