They're so many interesting ways to screw up an academic paper. I don't even know where to begin! Oh well, I guess I could start with formatting. "What is formatting?", you might ask. Formatting is how to set up your paper. Format was actually one of your 6th grade vocab words, allow yourself to reminisce for a moment. Take a look at the heading of this essay, where your name is listed. If it looks like this, it's wrong. The first problem is not enough spacing. It should be double spaced. The main text of your essay should always be double spaced. Got it! Good, now take mother look at the heading. There are 4 major errors; do you think you can find them all? Wow, Definitely a lot of errors. But as you should have guessed by now, this essay …show more content…
Now that you have cleaverly discovered all the errors in the heading, let's take a look to the title. Anything look mangled to you? Maybe not mangled like a lot of crashed cars must look after crazy wreaks but wrong nonetheless. What's wrong with the title of this essay? Very Good! YOU DID IT! I knew it was in you. If any of you turn in an essay with these basic formatting issues, I will not be happy. In fact, I will be quite unscrupulous. I will tell you to go somewhere and reread the poop essay until you're writing is completely poop free. A.K.A,clear and concise. Here is a list of words that may help you in your quest to find all the errors in this essay; Formatting, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, thesis statement (does this essay even have one?), Introduction, supportive paragraphs, transition words, appropriate words, unnecessary words. Oh, also now would be a really good time to tell you to indent every new paragraph! How many tim s did I indent this craptastic essay? Now take some time to find errors. Welcome to my world. You need to learn to proofread for yourself! I can't follow you to High School or College. Your ability to communicate effectively, and do well in school, hinges on your understanding of these very basic proofreading
Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint.
Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint.
Overall, the essay seemed to lack flow as a result of a noticeable absence of transition words. The essay had bad syntax. Each paragraph seemed to be scenario after scenario and each sentence seemed to be idea after idea. For example, in the first paragraph, the list consisted of multiple sentences, instead of just one sentence with commas. “But they are few: Being mistaken for a wheat field by a cloud of locusts. Being buried alive”...“Interviews from film festivals.”, this seemed like an awful way to list ideas. In addition, the fourth paragraph of the essay was made up of only 2 sentences, one
When you are working on your second draft make sure to follow the MLA Format Instructions. If you have any questions about the MLA Format you can always refer to last week's reading, OWL. I also suggest that you should send your essay into the Washington State University Writing Center for them to ketch and grammar or punctuation errors. I do see that there is a few function errors such as: “Progress has been made but as the…” it should be Progress has been made, but as the…”. Or,
Organization: Your essay is well organized for the most part, but there are a few areas you could improve upon. For instance, your paragraphs don't appear to include any transitions between one another, which could easily improve the flow of your essay. Next, your body paragraphs should be more connected to the thesis of the essay.
In the Republic of Plato book VI, Published sometime in 380 B.C. Greek philosopher Socrates sets to explain why the philosopher would be the ideal ruler for the city. He knows what makes a good philosopher and that justice and goodness are important for administering a just society for citizens, in which he rules. He believes the philosopher is best fitted to rule because he truly understands the nature of reality and everything that comes along with it despite the negative beliefs that may have been brought upon them. In the reading, Socrates demonstrates why philosophers should control the city.
Awkward wording is an issue in my third essay as well. The main flaw, however, is a lack of focus as in the first essay. An obvious thesis statement is absent and any ideas that hint to a thesis are vague. The first and the third essays also lack textual
There were seven mechanical errors in the essay which I identified using the color-coded highlighting key that is located in the feedback file for the assignment (below your citations on the references page). For instance, the words "view point" are highlighted in red which correlates to using the incorrect word or misspelling. In this case, the sentence needs the single word "viewpoint." The sections that are highlighted in pink mean that there is a punctuation error or missing punctuation such as a comma. Remember too that punctuation should appear inside of quotations marks (rather than after the closing mark) unless followed by a citation.
Once again, I had made mistakes I hadn’t even noticed before. When my paper went through peer review, and I received feedback, I was told something I had thought I had already done. I was told, “Commas need added in a few spots like after 'In fact, and Still,” (Anonymous). Surely when I went back to the essay there were not commas in some important spots, for example, “In fact about a third of students who take out student loans never even graduate and receive their diploma” (Straley 3). Having a peer read your essay, can really help you find your grammatical errors. When we read our own paper, we often read it as if the punctuation is there, even if it is not. When someone else reads it though, they can easily identify these mistakes, especially when it is their first time reading your
White voters were allowed only. African people and the national liberation organization to protest against this act but never succeeded.
Errors: Starting the revision to this essay was very easy for me after this semester. English 101 helped my writing skills so much from high school to where I am now. I started by re reading my entire Literacy Narrative essay. Even just reading through this essay after three months, I picked out a lot of stuff that I could change. The first obviously was just going through and checking all my grammar. There were a lot of times where I could have used commas and did not. Many times I could have used better transitional words that just made the sentences flow better so I tried to fix a lot of those mistakes. Another minor issue was a more defined use of vocabulary so I tried making some of the simple words bigger and give it more spice. Secondly, going hand in hand with grammar I fixed some minor spelling errors even though there really weren't too many.
That is where most of my mistakes are is in the body paragraphs. That is usual where I get off topic or start to ramble on about one thing which leads to one paragraph is longer than the others. My conclusions never connect the entire essay together which I also say needs improvement.
Another error of my writing process was not having a clear and specific thesis statement. I would often combined to many thoughts and ideas all in one sentence, which made it very difficult for readers to understand my main argument. For example, in my fourth essay about performance-enhancing drugs, my thesis “Athletes are constantly recognizable to the public eye; their actions can affect the children and adults for whom they serve as role models, which is why many athletes depend on the use of performance-enhancing drugs to better their performance,” was very vague and was not the main focal point of the essay which it should have been. In recent years prior, I never had any problems trying to convey my message or point. College was entirely a different league. My professor suggested that I read other research papers to better understand how my thesis should sound and be constructed. My professor then told me that I needed to add that explanation into the paragraph so the reader can understand exactly what I am trying to get across with
The essay contains some glaring errors, but the paper shows promise in its current state. Simply proofreading, especially searching for the errors I will mention, will drastically improve it and allow you to improve and add to the content. Even though you can expand your points and discuss them more, they provide a strong basis for your essay. You not only cover a "conventional" definition of
Although the raise of China as a super economy was done by creating a market economy with socialist characteristics aimed at making profit and its maximization, the country has maintained state ownership of the means of production and remained a closed economy. In order to accept foreign investors to operate in China, the government imposes that they must hold majority ownership. Easing inbound investment into China’s economy would bring a multitude of benefits to China including the international recognition as an open market which would broaden international business opportunities; increase the chances to small business to receive foreign capital and expand businesses, creating more jobs; and third, the inbound of capital into the