
Forrest Gump Research Paper

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It's In The Bag Forrest Gump once said “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.” But this speech isn't about Forrest Gump, even though he is awesome, this speech isn't about him. This speech is about me. So let’s get started. I have a bag, and this specific bag has no sentimental value to it. I grabbed a random bag and made sure everything fit. This ordinary bag has three things, my pin board, a tiara from my parents wedding, and a photo of my dad and I. I’ll start with my favorite, the pin board. I’ve been collecting hat pins since I was little. My dad brought me back a bunch of pins from overseas when he was a Marine. Some examples are Operation Iraqi Freedom, a South Korean Flag, and a Japanese Flag. The majority of them are from the U.S. Since i’ve been able to walk I’ve gone on vacations with my grandparents, that stopped in 5th grade. I have pins from Florida, South Carolina, and even Niagara Falls. My latest pin is from milking a cow at the state fair. This pin board is special to me because every pin has a memory to it. It's better than a photo album because photos can rip and get ruined, all the pins do is rust and none of them have yet. …show more content…

Before I knew he was my dad I called him “BJ”. I thought he was my mom's really close friend. After a soccer game on October 6th 2008, I got home and my parents told me to play for a while outside while they had a “grown-up talk.” After about a half an hour they came outside and called me inside and told me to sit down. My parents then explained to me that “BJ” was actually my dad. I was told that he was overseas at war and now he was back for good. I was overjoyed with the news. This is special to me because before my dad came home it was just my mom and I, so knowing I had dad, back then was a big

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