I examined the Fox News, Al-Jazeera, New York Times, and Huffington Post websites. I examined all four of these websites on April 2, 2014 between 5:30p.m and 8p.m. On the Fox News website the top story was about the Fort Hood shooting. The headline was “BREAKING NEWS: At least 4 dead, 14 injured in shooting at Fort Hood” The ‘breaking news’ text was in all capitals and it was bright red. The lead was “A shooting at Ft. Hood that reportedly left at least four dead -- including the shooter -- and 14 injured Wednesday was a "soldier on soldier" incident without any preliminary terrorism link, a senior Department of Homeland Security source told FoxNews.com.”
On the Huffington post website the top story in also about the Fort Hood shooting. The headline in “NEW FORT HOOD SHOOTING” this headline is in all caps and is also bright red. The lead is “A shooting at Fort Hood on Wednesday left at least one person dead and injured multiple people.
On the New York Times website the top story was not about the Fort Hood shooting, but there was an article about it just below the main story. The headline was “Fort Hood Shooting Leaves One Dead, 14 Injured” The lead was “A shooting Wednesday night left at least four people dead and at least 14 wounded at Fort Hood, the sprawling Army facility that in 2009 was the site of the deadliest mass shootings ever at an American military base, a Texas congressman said.”
The main story on Al-Jazeera also wasn’t about the shooting, but there was an
On November 5th, 2009 Major Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire on the Ft. Hood Army base killing 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounding 43 others (Blake, 2013). Major Hasan had become self-radicalized and some feel was pushed to the point of carrying out this heinous act by his upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. His shooting spree was brought to an end after he was shot by base security, wounded but not martyred. He received a military trial and was convicted of all counts and sentenced to death becoming the sixth person awaiting that fate in the military justice system. More than a year earlier
a 42-year-old man was shot in the chest on the 300 block of West Chicago Avenue, police said. The man was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where his condition had stabilized, police said.About 10:45 p.m., a 19-year-old man was shot in the stomach and taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center. He was shot in the 500 block of East 71st Street but found near 71st and State Streets, police said. He's in serious condition but police described him as an "uncooperative victim."In addition to that shooting, a male was shot in the leg on the 300 block of East 56th Street in the Washington Park neighborhood, police said. The shooting happened at 12:48 p.m., police said. Neither the victim's age or his condition were immediately available. The victim was taken to Stroger Hospital for treatment.No one was in custody as Area Central police detectives investigatepnickeas@tribune.com | Twitter: @PeterNickeaschicagobreaking@tribune.com | Twitter:
Amidst all of the violence surrounding not only the United States, but also the whole world, I felt like the July 7th Dallas Shootings interested me. The attack took place on a Thursday evening during a Black Lives Matter Protest. The protest came shortly after the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and occurred in many major cities that evening. After reviewing many different stories from both CNN and Fox News, I found one article hours after the attack occurred and one about one week later. This story definitely had a large amount of coverage online, in newspapers, and on television. The content of information was similar, but the article published one week after the killings had more accurate information since more become known
The events of the San Bernardino shooting were a tragedy. 14 people were killed, and another 22 were injured when a married terrorist couple staged an attack on a Christmas party. This was an unmitigated catastrophe, but it spawned one of the most important security debates in recent memory. The FBI wanted to unlock one of the suspects phones, but were unable to do so because of security measures on the phone. The FBI wanted to brute force the password lock on the iPhone, but device would wipe itself after 10 failed attempts to unlock the iPhone. Thus, the FBI asked Apple to create an intentionally insecure iOS update, specifically for this iPhone, in order to bypass the security restrictions. Apple disagreed with the FBI, and tried to avoid helping the FBI in such a way, arguing it would undermine the purpose of security itself. Overall, Apple has the best argument, both legally and as a matter of public policy.
As a result, news stories vary from one to another. In this case, the story written by CNN is more descriptive as to what occurred, along with criticizing the President and his administration for lack of attention this event is receiving on their behalf. MSNBC gave a short summary as to what occurred but made sure to criticize the President for not voicing his concern over this issue, claiming that he only uses his twitter account for concerns of his interests, but not of those of a president. Fox News, on the other hand, simply delivered what had occurred regarding the casualty and briefly touched on the fact that the Trump administration has not made many statements regarding the
On November 5, 2009, the public gained knowledge about an incident that took place at an U.S. Army installation. Maj. Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. He was facing a deployment to one of the many war zones overseas (McFadden, 2009). There are many reports about this incident and what actually took place. From what I’ve gathered, Hasan went into a processing center where soldiers go before and after they come back from deployment. After Hasan’s shooting rampage, he was finally stopped when Army Military Police (MP) officers shot him a total of four times. He is now paralyzed from the waist down due to the shooting. The Fort Hood shooting marked the worst shooting ever to take place on a military installation state side, to record. There was almost no structural damage because he used hand guns instead of bombs, or what we call weapons of mass destruction.
On November 5, 2009 at approximately 1:30 p.m., a gunman opens fire inside the base's Soldier Readiness Center at U.S. Army Base, Fort Hood, Texas. Soldier Readiness Center, is where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening (http://search.proquest.com). During the shooting the gunman killed 13 and wounded 31 others. The gunman was shot and wounded by base police during the incident. This was the first time that an attack like this has happened in a military base on U.S. soil. All the soldiers and civilians inside of the Soldier Readiness Center were unarmed at the time of
1999) stated that 25 people were killed at the High School by two heavily armed
Some 13,000 miles away in Kansas, two men and a woman were killed and a further two people injured in a mass shooting incident.””
"We are dealing with the largest mass shooting in our state's history," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Tegna) On a peaceful November morning during a “Sunday service at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.” (Grinberg) A young man across the street from the church “was dressed in black "tactical-type gear" and wearing a ballistic vest he crossed the street in his car, got out and began firing he entered the church and continued shooting.”(Grinberg) During this time “a man who lives next door to the church grabbed his own rifle and engaged the suspect, The gunman dropped his "Ruger AR assault-type rifle" and fled. The neighbor chased after the gunman, police said. The chase ended when the shooter crashed his car about eight miles from
As stated before mass shootings have increased drastically throughout the decades. Just within 2017, the number of mass shootings are 293 with several deaths and injuries, (“Gun Violence Archive”). Within the last 10 years, the deadliest mass shootings have occurred in America history, (CNN). Recently in Las Vegas, Nevada held a music festival for people to enjoy and listen to music, but a shooting changed the evening for many. A man was in an hotel near the event and shot down towards the people and killed a total of 58 people and injured at least 200, (CNN). The Orlando shooting was right behind it with a total of 49 dead, (CNN). Since this has become a part of our everyday lives, we rarely hear about all the mass shootings that kill not even into the double digits.
The name of the article that I found on The Washington Post is called Detroit’ and the police brutality that left three black teens dead at the Algiers Motel. This article is about people who were killed in the devastating riots in Detroit in 1967, but there were three African American boys who were killed by police officers, which gained most attention. The three teen boy names are Aubrey Pollard, 19; Fred Temple, 18; and Carl Cooper, 17. This article was to inform residents, readers and those who would visit the Algier Hotel about the incident regarding those teenagers. "Once inside, the police interrogated 10 motel guests and ordered five black teenagers and two white women into a hallway, where they forced them to stand spread-eagle facing
Charlie Webb English 1302 Melisa Lindsey Revenge, we all think we should get it back on some one. It can be on the road to the work place regardless you want other to feel how you made them feel. When revenge is brought into schools at the utmost level it can lead to horrifying situations. Some students believe that they need to get revenge by killing other classmates. They use guns and knives to use to inflict harm on their classmates.
Over the past couple of decades, school shooting have seemed to occur often-- continuously shocking the nation and reminding everyone that no community is exempt from such horror. One main contributor of this hysteria is found within the media. At the catalyst of this hysteria, lies the horrific Columbine shooting in 1999. Since then, school shootings have received ample coverage-- some argue that this has romanticized school shootings, others argue that is has provided condemning coverage of the often insane perpetrators. In the first year after the Columbine shooting, over 10,000 articles were written about the event, likely setting the stage for the nationwide desire for constant coverage of such events (Elsass et al, p. 445-446).
Attacks receive more coverage when they harm or kill victims, involve hijackings or aircraft, have known perpetrators, and select targets associated with Western countries. A study of transnational terrorism shows that attacks that inflict injuries are twice as likely to attract media attention as those that do not. The attacks in which the perpetrator can be identified are four times as likely to be reported in a newspaper and ten times as likely to be reported on television (The Media’s Role in International Terrorsim). Attacks in the Middle East or Europe are twice as likely to receive media attention as attacks perpetrated in Latin America (The Media’s Role in International Terrorism). There are very similar factors that influence media coverage of attacks that take place within the United States.