Energy Policy
Jameisha Lyttle
Gwynedd Mercy University
Abstract The United States government, as well as many others around the world, have relied on fossil fuel as an energy source for a long period of time. The extraction, production, and development of these sources have contributed to the many issues with the environment. In addition to this, fossil fuel will not exist forever because there is a limited amount on earth and it cannot be restored. For this reason, the United states should consider substituting fossil fuel with alternative sources of energy. Switching to alternative source may save the Earth and may pose as a more sustainable source of energy.
Although fossil fuels have been relied on for
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Alternative energy sources can be a sufficient replacement for fossil fuel because some forms of alternative energy are recyclable and may be safer for the environment. For example, wind energy does not cause any types of pollutants that can damage the health of people all over the world. Wind Energy may be created by machines called wind turbines, that look like plane propellers on a long and steep pole. The blowing winds are able to turn its propellers to provide energy for an electric generator that distributes electric currents. These wind turbines have the strength to provide energy for any small or large business all over the world (National Geographic, n.d.). Another form of alternative energy that may provide a safer environment than fossil fuels has is solar energy. When solar energy panels are hit by a ray of sun, the material produces an electrical charge that can be transferred through a circuit to anything that is powered by electricity (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). These two alternative forms of energy can produce large quantities of power by using the Earth’s natural resources. This may lead to less pollution as well as protection of the Earth’s landscape in the future.
In the United States, many citizens have agreed that alternative energy sources may serve as a safer form of power. For example, a team of students from Harvard
Fossil fuels and other power generates are slowly changing the world. Alternative power sources are slowly becoming more popular in everyday life while the technology progresses. Using these power sources that don’t pollute the atmosphere could be the change in the world that completely changes the way the world uses energy. Engineers and technicians have been producing these alternative ways for years and years. A few, but not limited to consist of: Solar panels, Wind turbines, Wave tech and much more.
During the 1930’s, equality was not like it is today. Race was a common issue during this time. White people believed they were worth more and better than black people during this time. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the issue of equality is an ongoing theme throughout the story. Aunt Alexandra is a minor character in this story.
The U.S obtains more than 84% of its energy from fossil fuels including oil, coal and natural gas. This is because people rely on it to heat their homes, power industries, run vehicles, manufacturing, and provision of electricity. It is apparent that the country’s transportation industry highly depends on conventional petroleum oil, which is responsible for global warming, thus threatening economic opulence and national security. Apart from that, increasing consumption of fossil fuels have elevated health problems in the state, destroyed wild places, and polluted the environment. After conducting Environmental Impact Assessment, projections showed that the world energy consumption would increase by more than 56% between 2010 and 2040. However, fossil fuels will cater for more than 80% of the total energy used in 2040. Sadly, it will be a trajectory to alter the world’s climate, as well as, weaken the global security environment. Importantly, the rate at which the US relies on fossil fuels needs to reduce since it has adverse effects on the planet’s supplies. The society needs to realize that fossil fuels are nonrenewable, thus taking millions of years to form (Huebner, 2003). Notably, the country can reduce dependency on fossil fuels by practicing energy conservation and efficiency,
Elbert Hubbard,was a American writer publisher artist and a philosopher. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one” To become a successful person you have to make mistakes and learn from them. Don't be afraid of them and stop doing something because you just made a mistake. This reminds me when I was afraid to be a goalkeeper during freshman year. Also it was the first time I was a goalie for a team. I was afraid to make mistakes which I did during the games but I was actually proud of the mistakes I learn from them and become a better goalkeeper.
The next step after hearing from the neurosurgeon was getting Miranda through the pain of the surgery. Kevin decided he would take night shifts and I would take days. One of us had to be there at all times as her advocate. So, I was there from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm and Kevin was there the other 12 hours. Twelve-hour shifts are hard especially on a body like mine, which had just gone through two surgeries in the past four months. My first shift began as soon as Miranda requested us to come to her in the PACU unit, which is the first place a patient goes after surgery at that hospital. Kevin and I went in together, but he left so he could sleep and come back for the night. I sat in a chair beside her bed for about seven hours without a break. The unit was in constant motion with people coming out from surgery and heading to their rooms for recovery. Miranda’s breathing would not stabilize so we waited longer than most patients. Grandparents and friends were not allowed in the unit so I was on my own. It was odd. I had been there twice because of my surgeries, but this time I was there for Miranda. They gave Miranda a pump for her pain and it did help her
Over the past several years, scientists have researched the impact fossil fuels currently have on our world today. These sources of energy have an irreversible and devastating consequence on our environment. Fossil fuels are disliked due to being non-renewable and unsustainable. As more technological advancements have occurred, more efforts have arisen related to replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy. Due to the integration of existing technology the public has become reluctant to adopt new energy technologies. Renewable energy brings many desirable health, environmental, and economic benefits. These renewable methods may ultimately provide a brighter future for generations to come.
Everyday in U.S., immense amount of fossil fuel is burned. Fossil fuels are fuel formed by natural processes, such as decomposition of buried dead organisms. Fossil fuel release carbon dioxide when they are burned which adds to the greenhouse effect and increases global warming. The way we can help the environment and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide is by replaying fossil fuels with solar and wind sources for electric power generations in the U.S.
Fossil Fuels such us oil, coal, and natural gas are currently the world’s primary energy resources because they originate from living things. Formed millions of years ago from the decomposition of organic materials such as plants and animal life, it is non-renewable resources that supplied U.S. and global economic development over the past century. In fact, Fossil fuel industries mine or drill for this energy resources, burn them to provide electricity. Natural gas and oil are used when it comes to heating and cooling. Oil is predominantly and most important resource responsible for transportation fuel and generate heat. Thus fossil fuels have served the mankind and are still one of the most useful tools for human existence. The world
Fossil fuels are an important part of life. When you turn on the lights, watch TV, or take a shower, the electricity that you are using is being generated by fossil fuels. The three types of fossil fuels are coal, crude oil, and natural gas. They all take millions of years to form, so they are considered to be “non-renewable”- eventually, the fossil fuels will all be used up. One dangerous biological effect of using fossil fuels is ocean acidification. Extracting and transporting fossil fuels can also be very dangerous. Environmentally damaging accidents such as groundwater contamination, land subsidence, and oil spills occur frequently. Global warming is another possible environmental effect. Fossil fuels have a crucial role in modern
In this day and age, we have new energy sources that could be used to power our homes and transportation. Wind and solar power are used all over the world, but are still used far less than fossil fuels. Most would say it’s not reliable or it doesn’t make any profit. While both statements are true, it doesn’t mean we can’t make a better future using renewable energy. In fact, the only reason we don’t use renewables for everything is that we don’t want to change. The hard truth is we need to change. Fossil fuels are great right now, but if we run out, humanity must have another source of energy.
For years man has relied on energy in order to be successful in life. The industrial revolution relied on coal for the new inventions brought into the world. Life as has never been the same since then. However since that time, there has been little done to improve on energy efficiency and humans still primarily rely on fossil fuels for energy. For over a hundred years the Earth has become more polluted and dirtier than ever before. Now, with new, innovative technology there is an opportunity to change that and to rely on renewable, cleaner sources of energy. The main source of energy for the world should be alternative energy instead of energy from fossil fuels.
America relies heavily on foreign sources for the energy to run the country. The issue has received much media attention due to the political and economic implications it will have in the near future. This problem could at least be partially solved by using technology that already exists, rather than relying heavily on ones that have yet to come to fruition. America’s energy woes – specifically its reliance on fossil fuels – can be solved by reviving nuclear energy with the use of politics to tackle perceived dangers, technological advancements to make them more feasible, and public outreach to promote acceptance.
This paper will discuss the three main fossil fuels which are oil, coal, and natural gas. This research shows how the fossil fuels are formed, where they could be found, and explain how they were formed over millions of years. This paper will show the numerous advantages of fossil fuels compared to the disadvantages and how they are hurting the Earth. Fossils fuels are critical to the function of everyday life. The world would be a different if fossil fuels and their uses were not to of use.
Finding energy sources is an issue that polarizes scientists, politicians and citizens alike. The most critical points of this debate are at fossil fuels and renewable energy. Energy efficiency is arguably the most dire concern facing the planet, because it significantly impacts all areas of everyday life. Common ground can be found in this controversy because both parties do agree that humans have a responsibility to future generations. That responsibility is to preserve the resources of the Earth, while offering this generation energy that is affordable and accessible.
Imagine New York City right now with all its bright lights, crowded streets full of cars, and amazing architecture such as skyscrapers and subway systems. Now let a few decades go by and take away fossil fuels, what is left now? A dark city with empty streets littered by useless vehicles and empty buildings and tunnels. Why did all of this change and why was this simple form of energy removed? That is because at the current rate of consumption fossil fuels will not last more than a few decades, plunging large cities into darkness. So how can this be fixed? Fossil fuels are being depleted and there is no changing that, so there must be a new form of energy, such as renewable energy, introduced into society.