Hello Dear,
This is Vildan Serin. I am asking you for a help for my daughter, who is 17 years old. I would like to explain my situation as below.
Last summer, my daughter ate a whole ice cream at one time. Then, she went to the emergency room because of stomach pain and swell. During the emergency room, the social services held my daughter under their temporary custody with misinformation and biases against us. Their reason was that they said the kid was going to die because of being dehydrated. Their diagnosis is anorexia for her, and they still hold her, and they have brought some more issues to keep holding her away from her family. My child is under pressure in the foster home that it is like a torture. They have violated her rights, and
The reporting party (RP) stated foster child Daniel disclosed while in respite foster care Nicholas Nordyke tasted him pointing to his genitals. Daniel stated he licked Nicholas' penis and bottom. The RP stated Daniel was in respite from April 28 through May 2, 2016. Daniel has not returned to the Nordyke's Certified Foster Home. According to the RP Daniel's foster mother is protective and will not allow him to return to the Nordyke foster family home. The Nordyke's are foster parent and operates a license day care in their
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (AFSA) clearly and unequivocally establishes three national goals for children in foster care: safety, permanency, and well-being. ASFA was in part “a response to the fact that more children were entering the foster care system than were exiting.” Five principles underlie the ASFA and apply to professionals working with families through public and private agencies as well as state courts. These principles are:
Foster Parent One: Shelly was born and raised in Avery, TX. She is the biological daughter of Delores Jackson and David Monsiviaz. Shelly was adopted by her maternal aunt and uncle, Eura and Woodrow Hicks at the age of 3, Shelly’s mother was killed in a car accident and her father was not accept by the family due to his ethnicity. Shelly reported she was informed by her adoptive parents that her biological father was dead as well. When Shelly was an adult she searched and located him, however she has never contacted him because she feels that should have been his job.
The act of his mother’s neglect was a reoccurring thought throughout Dave’s head. He could not understand what caused his mother to act like this and he blamed himself.
I spoke with Trina today, she sated that does not understand why her Foster Parent application is taking so long to get approved, she said about 9 months. She said that she wants to be her grandchild KING, MIASIA foster parent.
Blog Post #1: Introduction to the Foster Care System What is the foster care system? The foster care system has been put in place to protect children. The system takes children that need to be removed from an abusive or dangerous situation and place them with a licensed foster home. Children can also be placed in a foster care home if they have recently lost their parents, close relatives are not able to care for them.
Because foster kids have often come from situations where there was little stability, a regular schedule for sibling visits and creating things they can rely on is paramount to creating a suitable environment for their growth. If you are a foster parent who is committed to making sure siblings get to see one another, even when they can't be placed in the same home, then creating a schedule of upcoming visits is a smart move.
The average child is born into a loving family in the United States, but the other six percent are not so lucky. Some children in today’s world are unfortunate enough to be born into unfit families. Many of these children are thrown into foster care and taken away from these “families”. A serious debate in today’s society is whether or not foster care is a safe for children, or a trap.
An adult’s psychological development depends on one’s childhood experiences with adults and their capability of providing nurturance, protection, trust, and security to the developing child. Children with current and previous ties to the foster care system were found to have behavioral, emotional, and social well-being issues. The United States averages more than 400,000 children in foster care during the year. Amongst these 400,000 children, as many as 50% have developmental disorders or psychiatric diagnoses (Hutchinson). Children placed within the foster care system are more likely to be found to have mental health issues due to the inadequacy
The Challenges In The Life Of A Foster Child What is foster care? Foster care is when a child or teen under the age of 18 is placed into a group home, or a home with a caregiver also known as “foster parent”. Many children are put into the foster system because, their parents neglect them, abuse them, homelessness, or they have familial problems in their household, such as, exposure to criminal activity, alcohol, and/or drugs. But the real question is, what Challenges are faced by teens that are in foster care? Teens that are in foster care face many challenges in life.
Youth aging out of foster care are one of the most disadvantaged populations in the United States. Unlike other young people in the general population who continue to live with family and receive support and financial assistance, foster youth transitioning into adulthood often struggle just to obtain and maintain general needs. Apart from the trauma associated with the history of abuse or neglect, foster youth are put in a circumstance that expect them to become independent and self-sufficient immediately as they prepare to transition out of foster care. According to Courtney, Dworsky, Lee, and Raap, young people formerly in foster care, compared to the general population, experience significantly different outcomes in areas of education, employment,
Adolescents aging out of the foster care system face many challenges. Most youth who have reached legal adulthood have been taught essential life skills and have a safety net of family and community support systems (Paul-Ward & Lambdin-Pattavina, 2016). Foster children often age out of the system with little or no social network and lacking the skills to acquire basic necessities such as employment, housing or healthcare. The absence of these two important fundamental needs increases the likelihood of perpetuating a generational cycle of poverty, abuse/neglect, criminality and substance abuse.
having a husband. In August of 2013 Telaunda, my close neighbor and friend, put me in contact with a
The foster care system has been a public policy issue for some time. Advocates say there are six problems that hinder foster care in the U.S. The first problem hindering foster care is that too often group homes are the go-to. Because there are rarely enough foster families, there are more than 56,000 children that live in a group setting. Advocates argue that children who are placed in family settings from the beginning have more success than those that were defaulted to group settings. Group homes are also lacking in sufficient support and do not make financial sense since group homes cost seven to ten times more than if the child was placed with a family.
According to the 2015 Adoption and foster care Analysis and reporting system (AFCARS), 427,910 children were in the US foster care, making foster care one of the social issues in the USA. The US Department of Health and Human services (HHS) is working on this social issue for past few years, but is still not getting positive results — every year population of Foster care is increasing by 50,000 youths. The statistics about the Foster care system is changing every day. Some things that people don’t know about foster care is that they will not only lose their children—they had lost parental rights and had broken the laws, therefore this can lead to a punishment. Foster care has many laws related to it.. Once the parents had lost the children,