
Foster Mom Research Paper

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Out of every short-term foster parent I’ve had in the past two years, Venus was the one person who had the biggest impact on my life. In the beginning, Venus was very generous and claimed she was my birth mother. She would buy me all sorts of gifts like a TV, lip sticks, any snacks I was craving and even planned to take me on a twelve-day cruise. Then everything changed in the blink of an eye. I only lasted three months in her home, with all the chaos. All I wanted was a stable home little did I know her home was the farthest you can get from stable.
Venus used every chance she got to make more money, even by using me as a daycare provider, and didn’t pay me for the three months I worked for her. She ran a daycare and was the most egregious person I have ever met. Her …show more content…

There was this little girl named Ayana at her day care who supposedly loved Venus’s husband Josh, at least that's what I was told. Ayana would lay in bed with Venus and Josh and “cuddle”, when Ayana would go home she would tell her parents things like “I love when Josh lays in bed with me.” Her parents clearly freaked because that's unusual for a kid to say so they talked to Venus about it and of course Venus lied and talked her way out of it saying “Ayana is just a child she doesn't know, she's confused.” So, Ayana’s parents said “Okay she can stay at your daycare but she is not allowed in your room!” Sure, enough later that week Ayana is back in the bedroom with Josh and only Josh. I don't know what went on back there or why Josh had a record but all I know is that Venus kept all of it a secret. When I would question Venus as to why does Ayana go in the back room with Josh alone she would say “Ayana loves Josh, she talks about how she misses him all day long, and she has a crush on him.” Venus made it sound like it’s Ayana who breaks her parent’s rules and goes to the backroom but really, it’s Venus who allows

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