Out of every short-term foster parent I’ve had in the past two years, Venus was the one person who had the biggest impact on my life. In the beginning, Venus was very generous and claimed she was my birth mother. She would buy me all sorts of gifts like a TV, lip sticks, any snacks I was craving and even planned to take me on a twelve-day cruise. Then everything changed in the blink of an eye. I only lasted three months in her home, with all the chaos. All I wanted was a stable home little did I know her home was the farthest you can get from stable.
Venus used every chance she got to make more money, even by using me as a daycare provider, and didn’t pay me for the three months I worked for her. She ran a daycare and was the most egregious person I have ever met. Her
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There was this little girl named Ayana at her day care who supposedly loved Venus’s husband Josh, at least that's what I was told. Ayana would lay in bed with Venus and Josh and “cuddle”, when Ayana would go home she would tell her parents things like “I love when Josh lays in bed with me.” Her parents clearly freaked because that's unusual for a kid to say so they talked to Venus about it and of course Venus lied and talked her way out of it saying “Ayana is just a child she doesn't know, she's confused.” So, Ayana’s parents said “Okay she can stay at your daycare but she is not allowed in your room!” Sure, enough later that week Ayana is back in the bedroom with Josh and only Josh. I don't know what went on back there or why Josh had a record but all I know is that Venus kept all of it a secret. When I would question Venus as to why does Ayana go in the back room with Josh alone she would say “Ayana loves Josh, she talks about how she misses him all day long, and she has a crush on him.” Venus made it sound like it’s Ayana who breaks her parent’s rules and goes to the backroom but really, it’s Venus who allows
The only problem, that occurred while on the initial visit to the prospective foster carer, was how long the process takes to become a foster carer. It was explained on the visit, that the next step would be skills to foster course. However, the nearest course was fully booked and so the prospective foster carer would have to wait for the next available course. Overall, the process could take up to 1 year, however the prospective foster carer believed she could foster sooner. This was the only difficulty for the prospective foster carer and the social worker, as they cannot speed up the process even though the foster carer has substantial potential.
Many children prefer to live with their parents, so they always think the foster care system is the bad guy. Living with strangers is bad enough for them but to add on some foster homes are abusive. Foster Care goes all the way back to the Old Testament, which the churches require widows to care for orphaned children (“Care” 1). It would be a miracle that someone would treat the children like their own. Many foster homes are abusive just like the one Ashley had. Year after year, the increase of foster families is due to drugs, abuse, economy, financial, and psychological problems (“Care” 1). In this society, there are many problems that lead children to have the feeling of worthlessness. It is really sad how many children are in families of irresponsible parents. Child abuse occurs when a parent or caretaker physically, emotionally, or sexually mistreats or neglects a child resulting in the physical, emotional, sexual harm, exploitation, or imminent risk (“Care” 1). It is disgusting how people would do this stuff to kids. These people have no heart and should be punished. Not everyone gets punished, but when the time comes, they will get what they deserve. Ashley’s book shows how her difficulties in foster homes were troubling. Many professional readers enjoy reading about her hard times.
In todays’ society many Americans never think about our foster care system. Foster care is when a child is temporarily placed with another family. This child may have been abused, neglected, or may be a child who is dependent and can survive on their own but needs a place to stay. Normally the child parents are sick, alcohol or drug abusers, or may even be homeless themselves. We have forgotten about the thousands of children who are without families and living in foster homes. Many do not even know how foster care came about. A few of the earliest documentation of foster care can be found in the Old Testament. The Christian church put children into homes with widowers and then paid them using collection from the church
Recently, at my internship I was involved in a re-placement foster home with a six-year old child unknowingly. Initially I was under the impression that I was transporting this young boy back to his original foster home, after a parenting time visit. However, I got more that what I bargain for. I was not given much information on the child, which I would later find out would have been conducive to my approach with the incident that occurred. While transporting this child, I discovered that the child was not prepped for his reassignment to a new foster home, as well as just recently had come into care. The young boy became extremely dismayed when he noticed I was not taking him to his previous foster home.
Foster care is a program that is beautiful and lifesaving. The government has worked hard to make it an opportunity for children to access a better life and a brighter future. However, it is also a program riddled with flaws and injustices of many kind. Many have been denied a support system once they graduate out of foster care. Some entered foster care after suffering from sexual abuse, yet had dismissed court cases because they did not have enough physical evidence to properly accuse their abuser. Another major problem riddling the foster care system is the lack of mental health care for children entering the system that have been through intense amounts of trauma. This issue is very prominent, yet it receives little recognition from the
Over the years, foster care has evolved into something much greater than in the past. It has become modernized and more diverse. There are three different kinds of foster care; emergency care, traditional or regular care, and therapeutic needs. The system helps children who have or are suffering from abuse or neglect. “Children in foster care may live with unrelated foster parents, with relatives, with families who plan to adopt them, or in group .
Foster care is a temporarily place for a child that gets taken out of their home when their birth parents are unable to take care of them and provide their basic needs. Many children of all ages get put in and taken out of foster care everyday due to many situations that they can’t control. Some of the reasons they get put into foster care system could possibly be abandonment from the parent, alcohol abuse, death, sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse. Due to many of these situations that children are is put into leads to a lot of problems that can cause the child to have for example,
We are FosterHope changing the lives of abused children. Under the original name of St. Francis Home for Children we have been providing foster care for over 30 years in the Sacramento Region.
It contains a beautiful new pair of shoes, pretty enough for a dancer. “Why, Granmama, they’re so pretty! I’ll dance around the house with them every day.” I ask Wangero who will be next. She says she wants to be last, with a smirk on her face that makes me uneasy. I agree and hand my daughter a bare cardboard box. Loretta slowly opens the box, and her face lights up seeing her name, “Loretta MaryAnn” stitched across a blanket with decorative flowers surrounding her name. “Mama, you must have made this yourself! It’s amazing. I love it.” I tell her happy birthday, and that I love her. Lastly, Loretta receives the extravagant box from her Aunt. She rips the wrapping paper off the gift, tears off the big bow, and without hesitation, busts open the box and out comes the yellow dress Loretta has been dreaming of. As soon as she sees it, Loretta is ten times more excited about this gift than any of the others. The dress her Aunt had the money for surpasses my homemade blanket stitching twentyfold. I know that Dee is not only doing it for Loretta, she’s doing it to make me feel less than her, and use my own child against me. I knew something was off the minute Dee had that sly smirk, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, even though I shouldn’t have. I knew better. As soon as Loretta goes to thank her Aunt, Dee plays it off as if it’s no big deal. She feels sovereignty because she has more money and nice things than I could ever supply to my children. Dee sees how uncomfortable I am now, and it gives her more to smirk about, her pride swelling. She glances over at me every so often while I host the festivities, making sure I still feel her eyes on me. A couple hours later, it is time for Dee to go. I didn’t know I was capable of being so excited for someone to leave. “Well Maggie, it was nice to see you,” she spits at
One of the ways foster care is inhibited is that the separation of the child from their parents and placement in a foster home can be traumatic for the child. In some instances where the child is not safe in their home, the first choice may be to remove the child and place them in foster care. Both the parents and child have a hard time accepting the situation. This separation causes conflicts and resistance from the child (Crosson-Tower, 2014, p. 316). Other myriad adjustments, such as lifestyle change, new school, new friends and neighbors, and at times a new culture, also inhibit the effectiveness of foster care placement. Foster care can create an environment of
I chose to write about Children in Foster care getting swift Permanency. due to the fact I have fostered 35 children over a span of 8 years. The hardest thing you could ever do is wake up in the middle of the night, rush to the hospital and pick up a wounded child. Whether physically or mentally, broken is broken. Imagine spending 6 months to 3 years tending to the deep wounds of this sweet broken child.
As a consequence of this separation, many children end up in foster care or are placed in the care of an immediate family member. What happens to the child mostly depends on the location of current residency. Another deciding factor is whether or not the child's immediate relatives residing in the United States are legal residents, and if they are capable of taking in the child. In some situations, Child Protective Services will not place a child in a relatives home if they are undocumented simply because they run the same risk of being deported at any time. If both of these options do not exist for the child, or CPS deems relatives to be unfit to care for the child, they will then be located to a temporary foster care. The San Diego Free Press has reported the following: “there are at
The numbers of children in foster care continue to increase annually with minimal attempts to intercept the causes of the escalation. Children are generally placed into foster care as a result of parental abuse or neglect; however, there are many racial inconsistencies circulating general foster care involvement. In the year of 2014, the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System reported a total of 415,129 children in the foster care system. Depending on their situation, children in the system are in need of some sort of home, whether that be temporary or permanent. When experiencing this type of shift in their lives, many children tend to act out. Foster care in the United States is a
I believe "loving" is the essential characteristic that an ultimate foster parent needs to demonstrate. When parents take time to listen and to give an explanation for matters to their child, they're competent to comprehend. This creates an environment that's safe from any emotional, intellectual or physical damage. Furthermore, an ideal foster parent should practice being a positive role model. They should be shrewd in their words and actions. They should attempt to specific their wants in a positive way. An ideal foster parent should also exhibit moral and spiritual responsibility. They should let their child transform into who they genuinely is then attempting to make the kid into the person they want the child to be. They should reliably
All throughout the country millions of young African Americans are being subjected to immense hardships in life. These children are the product of unfortunate scenarios that they have no control over such as the children's biological parents abusing or neglecting them. We expect Children’s services to take these kids and place them in a safe environment, unfortunately the foster care system places kids from one horrible place to possibly an even worse one. Growing up in the foster care system myself, I have seen and experienced the horrendous abuse children can be subjected to. African Americans children make up a greater percentage of people in foster care and also are taken from their parents at twice the rate of white children. Sometimes children could even be taken from their biological parents unjustly. Sadly little is done to assist them.. The premise behind my company is to aid and assist in facilitating children, but at the same time also adhering to high ethical standards so that this program can uplift children and not destroy them.