
Foucault's Panopticon

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Foucault believed that knowledge is a form of power, and that ultimately, through observation you gain power. This main idea allowed for him to realize that, once applied to the real world, knowledge is the most powerful tool one can have. It is evident that Foucault essentially believed that with knowledge, one can control everything around them. Furthermore, having the power to discipline and society. The concept of panopticism developed from the idea of disciplining society. The panopticon was an architectural design with the main purpose of being able to have visibility on everyone that was incarcerated. Prisoners were held in cells, which surrounded a main tower controlled by either a general guard, or the person who upholds the power. …show more content…

Bartky uses the idea that over time, women have slowly been breaking out of the power that men had over them. They have somewhat freed themselves from being monitored and controlled by men. This relates to panopticism in that the panopticon was essentially created in order to have full regulation and oversight over prisoners, in this case, women. Disciplinary practices were being ensured in order to have society (women) constantly productive as well as under control by a power figure. Ultimately requiring people to behave properly and according to conduct which in turn, controlled their minds as well as their bodies. In terms of modern surveillance, women are constantly being watched by men even when they do not know of it. This is a disciplinary practice set by the norms society has created for women, which is also known as the male gaze, essentially creating the docile body. Foucault’s idea of panopticism produced his concept that these disciplinary practices create docile bodies which in essence means that people are being made into subjects. Bartky uses this to explain that this has much to do with women and how they are being currently objectified in every way possible. An example of this, is how women are being made objects for men in the media in order to make them look desirable. This grants men all the

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