
Foundational Biblical Worldview

Decent Essays

Paul is writing the book of Romans as an occasional letter to the believers in Rome, whom he has never personally met, but desires to connect with very soon. It appears to be a pastoral letter written in an apocalyptic style, because he is dealing with a church that needs direction. He is writing boldly to them to encourage unity as God’s people. Romans 15:15 attests to the strength of his message when he states, “I have written very boldly to you on some points”. Paul is in essence building a framework of beliefs for believers to view the world around them (Caner & Hindson. 2008. Pg.498). Romans though not a systematic theological message, chapters 1-8 are strong truths for a foundational biblical worldview.
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This movement didn’t happen overnight, but it is a production of the human nature. The human or sinful worldview demands for its own rights, its own way, its own desires to be fulfilled. Continuing to build a foundational message with boldness, Paul explains that the reason God sent the law was to bring our sin to our attention so we would realize how desperately we need His grace. He points out that sin had already conquered the human race long before the Law arrived, which is indisputably proved by the fact that sin had already produced death in every human (Romans 5:21 New Living Testament). Sin and self-separate us from God, grace brings us near. Romans 6. “Since we have united with him in his death, we will also raise to life as he was. Verse 12 Paul remind believers that our life in Christ gives us power over so, “Do not let sin control the way you live do not give in to sinful desires.”
A lesson that I have learned the hard way is that people will let you down, but God never will. Another important aspect for a foundation of a biblical worldview is in human relationships. From the beginning God intended for man to interact and be fruitful with one another in harmonious relationships (Genesis 2:18, New Living Testament). But when man fell into sin, it brought about every manner of

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