
Four Categories Of Love

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George Sand claimed that, “there is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” Humans’ as a species crave interaction and have a longing for love. Love a person feels can be the driving force for their actions, causing people to commit inappropriate actions and have unthinkable thoughts. However, it can also cause eternal happiness and happy endings. At a philosophic standpoint there are four different categories for love: Philia, Storge, Agape, and Eros. Philia is often translated to mean “brotherly love” or “friendship.” This can be the love a person feels for their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and the people in their lives below their family. When people consider others to be friends it is often because they have shared interest or hobbies. Friends are people that a person can confide with and feel safe with. A person wants to have this feeling with someone and because of that this type of love can drive a person to actions they would not normally do. It is because of the connection they feel towards that person and the closeness they feel. It might be a shared event or story. Banana Yoshimoto wrote a novel titled, Kitchen, that involves a man and woman falling in love after a shared experience. When Yuichi’s classmate came to confront Mikage about her relationship with Yuichi she claimed that, “But love is not a joke, it also means sharing someone else’s pain” (Yoshimoto 72). What the troubled, jealous girl was saying is that loving someone involves sharing connections with a person. In this case Mikage and Yuichi shared the pain of the lose of two loved ones. Together they were able to feel each other’s pain which caused their love to grow closer as the connections deepened. Yoshimoto continued the book by adding a second part to the novel that was a story all on its own. In this part of the story a young woman loses the love of her life, Hitoshi. She fell into despair and pain. At the same time as she was struggling with the lose of her best friend, another young man was losing the love of his life. Together they created ritual to honor their loved ones without knowing the other existed. When they eventually met they made the connection of death. Together they were able to work together

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