
Four Influences For Accountability Summary

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Four Major Influences for Accountability
When it comes to accountability there has been four major influences that recur in developing policy makers, educators, and families as they have sought to improve America’s schools. The four influences are advances in technology by economic competitors, the low achievements scores of U.S. students when compared to those in other nations, the need for well-trained domestic workforce, capable of retaining U.S. economic technological, and military supremacy in the world, and the civil rights movements on behalf of students who are female, and who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds or who have disabilities (p. 129). These developments have practical consequences for partnerships. …show more content…

Early intervention is for children that are experiencing a significant developmental delay or has a disability that results in developmental delays or has a physical or mental diagnosed that can affect the child with developmental delays (p. 132). Early childhood is when the child has received early intervention and the child’s parents and educators agree they need to countrie to receive early intervention services during ages 3 to 5. After early childhood is elementary through secondary education and this is when a child is ages 3 to 21 have the right to free appropriate education and are eligible to receive services under Part B of IDEA. These child must qualify in 1 of 12 disability categories or until they are 9 and have a developmental delay or if the need special education services (p. 133). Part B of IDEA has six principles that children 3 to 21 can benefit from, these are zero reject, nondiscriminatory evaluation, appropriate education, least restrictive environment, procedural due process, and parent participation. Zero reject is that all children and youth can enroll, even those without a disability. Nondiscriminatory evaluation is that determine whether an enrolled student has a disability and if so

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