When revising my final project, I took the workshop comments and suggestions in deep consideration. I felt my third story this semester, was my strongest story yet. When I was writing it, I tried to convey the story with my narrator’s tone and clearly define what the problems and tensions were. I made a conscious effort to apply everything I had learned in this past semester. My stories and writings I think have potential but always seem to lack in tone and meaning. In my third story, Four Minutes, I tried to have a convincing tone all the way throughout the story so my reader’s attention could be captivated. My main goal was to drawn attention to the action that is taking place, and have readers be on their toes not knowing what twist and turns could happen next. In addition to tone, I wanted to focus on the characters in my story. I wanted to give detail and background information that is crucial to the understanding of the story. I didn’t want to overwhelm my readers with mass amounts of details. I tried to only include information that helps reader’s piece together the story where any confusion may lie. My story, Four Minutes, was inspired by the writings of Manuel Gonzales. While reading The Miniature Wife, I felt captivated by every story. Each …show more content…
In my third story’s first draft, I did not want to reveal my main character was having a dream. I wanted there to be a huge revelation and impact at the end where they realize all the chaos was a dream. After hearing feedback from the students who read my story, there was a lot of confusion of people not knowing it was a dream. In my final revision, I added more sentences and details, clearly defining that the narrator is dreaming. I think adding this detail from the beginning will help readers understand that the story is about someone dreaming and they will now easily be able to follow the
Throughout the course of freshmen year I have developed different skills and opinions on writing. I feel I have created a more mature style of writing and a better understanding of literature. I have changed my view of writing over this semester and acquired a strong liking for it. The importance of writing has become more visible throughout the past few months. Writing is crucial in many aspects of a person’s life. I have grown to be a more powerful and well built writer throughout this course.
The process I used when writing previously changed during the first few weeks of this class. Already I have altered the way I write my drafts, and the way I read other people’s work. Lamott’s “Shitty First Draft” made me come to the realization that one draft isn’t always the best approach. Therefore, I took multiple steps in examining my draft and critiquing it accordingly. Additionally, I started brainstorming topics, and this led me to create a roadmap for the list of destinations and topics I wanted to touch on and the message I wanted the reader to take away. This is just the beginning of the year and I already have a sense that as I progress through the semester my work will be continually get better.
The thought of have a person firing 10 bullet shot into a car filled with unarmed teenagers seemed but be legal under the Florida Statues. This film is based on the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager African American was shot to death by a white American because he didn’t want to lower the song volume in the car. Throughout, the film 3 ¹/₂ Minutes, Ten Bullets” the insight of the controversy that surrounded the case of his death. In Jacksonville, Florida in November 2012, a white male, Michael Dunn argued the case, what seem to be a grown man arguing with a young teenager on a property that isn’t his to try to claim that the teenager threatens his life. The most controversial stance in the case is that the Florida Stand Your Ground self-defense
Tone: Tone is the writer’s attitude towards a subject or audience. It is often communicated through diction and the writer’s perspective towards a subject. Tone can show an incredible variety of emotions. This rhetorical device helps the reader determine the writer’s attitude toward a certain subject, and as a result, greatens the reader’s understanding of the story. An example that shows a tone is, “I never want to define terms again in my life!”. This example conveys a frustrated or irritated tone. You should convey a certain tone when you want the reader to know how a certain character in the story or how you as the writer feels about a subject. Depending on how you use tone, it can make the reader feel a variety of emotions.
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult is a novel based on a school shooting in the small town of Sterling, but focuses more importantly on the feelings of the main characters, Peter Houghton and Josie Cormier, who experience insecurities and social acceptance, or lack of.
The remaining content of the map are the 8 behaviours, they describe the attributes and knowledge that a HR professional should possess however some as more appropriate to certain specialised areas of the corresponding bands.
3. You have been asked to advise a growing organisation which employs 75 people in office-based roles but which has no specialist, dedicated HR function. Managers are particularly keen to know how they can best evaluate the effectiveness of their HR activities and initiatives. Despite limited funds being available the organisation manages to provide some form of formal training and development opportunities for everyone each year, gives everyone an annual performance appraisal and seeks to involve staff through a consultative forum which all attend at least once a year. What advice would you give? Justify your answer.
1. The show initially implies that it is modern day, based in part of some of the technology demonstrated (ex: texting, USB drives) during the opening scenes. The show then launches fifteen years in the future and continues in an ongoing time line from that point forward. 2.
Tone determines how the impact of the theme and effectiveness of the story goes because it shows the awareness of the audience and sets the story and overall theme
The documentary Two Million Minutes by Adam Raney give Americans and other countries a true look at what really goes on with our education systems. It documents the lives of six teenagers going through high school. The teens that are document, for their country or origin, are very stereotypical. They compare and contrast the teens and the education system that they are subjected to. The difference between how America, China and India think about schoolwork is that the countries, aside from America, they are very focused on their schoolwork.
Throughout the course of the quarter I amplified my capacity to not only write but also to to be able to judge and edit my own writing. In all three projects we were given the chance to make
Education is one of the most important things you can have in this world. Some people don’t have it, but those who do, choose how they want to use it. Some countries push their students to various limits, plus they set various standards for their students.While some can be exceedingly low compared to the rest of the world, some can be superbly high compared to the rest. A documentary called 2 Million Minutes spotlights how three country superpowers, USA, India, and China examines how their students prepare for their life thereafter high school. While the USA is doing great things when it comes to education, it is no match correlated to the other two countries.
I believe it is important for any student who wants to do their best in a class to take a moment to evaluate their own work to determine the rate their writing is progressing and how they can continue to advance their writing. When I looked through my own work I asked myself “what have I learned this semester?” and “what do I still need to learn in order to improve my writing?”. Answering both these questions will help me with my last step of my self-evaluation, developing a plan to learn new skills.
Time Time is defined as a measured or measurable period, a continuum that lacks spatial dimensions. This broad definition lacks the simple explanation that humans are searching for. There are many scientists, philosophers, and thinkers who have tried to put time into understanding terms. The aspects of time that we can understand are only based on what we can perceive, observe, and calculate. Every day we look at our watches or clocks.
Michael Bay has made disappointing movies lately, but this movie is quite the exception. 13 Hours is truly a great movie, based on an unfortunate set events not too long ago. 13 Hours, honestly is the best movie 2016. True stories are usually “ good “, but this movie was phenomenal. This movie was based of the event that took place in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11 2012, that was based of the book; 13 Hours. One 6 man squad must defend a compound in Benghazi from Benghazi terrorists. They are left for 13 hours with only Benghazi civilians to help them, but reinforcements come later to pick them up.