
Four Minutes Essay

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When revising my final project, I took the workshop comments and suggestions in deep consideration. I felt my third story this semester, was my strongest story yet. When I was writing it, I tried to convey the story with my narrator’s tone and clearly define what the problems and tensions were. I made a conscious effort to apply everything I had learned in this past semester. My stories and writings I think have potential but always seem to lack in tone and meaning. In my third story, Four Minutes, I tried to have a convincing tone all the way throughout the story so my reader’s attention could be captivated. My main goal was to drawn attention to the action that is taking place, and have readers be on their toes not knowing what twist and turns could happen next. In addition to tone, I wanted to focus on the characters in my story. I wanted to give detail and background information that is crucial to the understanding of the story. I didn’t want to overwhelm my readers with mass amounts of details. I tried to only include information that helps reader’s piece together the story where any confusion may lie. My story, Four Minutes, was inspired by the writings of Manuel Gonzales. While reading The Miniature Wife, I felt captivated by every story. Each …show more content…

In my third story’s first draft, I did not want to reveal my main character was having a dream. I wanted there to be a huge revelation and impact at the end where they realize all the chaos was a dream. After hearing feedback from the students who read my story, there was a lot of confusion of people not knowing it was a dream. In my final revision, I added more sentences and details, clearly defining that the narrator is dreaming. I think adding this detail from the beginning will help readers understand that the story is about someone dreaming and they will now easily be able to follow the

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