
Essay On 4th Amendment

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Fourth Amendment: Privacy in Our Society What if we were to wake up tomorrow to a world with out privacy? A world where our government and even powerful people in large companies could watch the moves of every single person in the country, with of course the awareness and consent through clicking the good old “I read the terms and services” button, would the Fourth Amendment still apply? The rights according to the fourth amendment are “ To be secure in their persons, houses, papers, effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized” so, …show more content…

In the case Katz V. the United States in 1967, Katz was convicted under an indictment charging him under 18 U.S code 1084, which is conducting illegal gambling operations across state lines in violation of federal law (US Couts). At his trial, Katz sought out to exclude any evidence found against him, connected to the wire taps the police officer had placed on the phone booth he used to make the calls. Katz argued that the warrant-less wiretapping of a public phone booth was an unreasonable search of a “constitutionally protected area” in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The federal agents countered by saying that a public phone booth was not “constitutionally protected area” therefore they were able to place the wiretap with no issue (US Courts). The court ruled that it was the duty of the officer to get a warrant in any instance in which a persons may be engaging in conduct that they wish to keep secret from the public, even if done in a public place. The court also held that the absence of the search warrant, constituted the wiretaps to be unconstitutional in this case (US Courts). The courts have used the case of Katz V. the United Sates to influence their judgments on many other privacy cases. But it seems that we have moved away from this and are leading into a little bit more of an unorganized method. In the case Riley V. California 2014, Riley was stopped

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