FoxesAndThings is the small business I've always dreamed of. At age 11, I discovered foxes and their mythology. Japan’s fox lore intrigued me such as the rice and fox god Inari, fox fire/kitsune-bi, their ability to protect others from demons, and much more. I decided to craft characters based on foxes because of their extremely meticulous mythology. In 2014, Foxesandthings Etsy was created, and features crafts based on foxes and Japanese folklore.
This shop was part of an Experiential Learning Opportunity (ELO) for my online English 2 high school course. I devised the course with the assistance of teachers who directed me through the entire process. Research papers were an immense component of the project, and some of them were published
The animal I was given for this assignment was the Channel Island Fox. They are considered to be near extinction animals with nearly about 2,500 fox left (last checked 2008). The Channel Island Fox is a type of fox that only lives on the Channel Islands, which is located around the coast of Southern California in about 19 to 61 miles away from the continental state. On a clear day in California, many visitors have the chance to see the islands over the shores. Within the eight islands, only six of the islands have the Channel Island Fox on their land. The six islands are San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Santa Catalina, San Nicolas and San Clemente. Each island has different features which has given each island fox a different trait compared to each one, but they are still considered as Island Fox.
The island fox is a small fox that is native to six of the eight Channel Islands of California. There are six subspecies of this fox, each unique to the island it lives on, reflecting its evolutionary history. They have many different names including, but not limited to, coast fox, island gray fox, Channel Islands fox, Channel Islands gray fox, and insular gray
Introduction The island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) are a unique species of small carnivores that only live on the Channel Islands located off the coast of Southern California. The island fox is about 12 inches high, weights 2.5 to 6 pounds, and has a grizzled gray hair color along the top of the head and back. Along the abdomen, neck and legs it has a more cinnamon coloring, and white along the cheeks and throat to the chest (Friends of the Island Fox, 2012). According to Levy (2010)
As a quote by Seth Godin says, "[l]eadership almost always involves thinking and acting like the underdog. That's because Leaders work to change things, and the people who are winning rarely do." This quote accurately describes Francis Marions's, the Swamp Foxes's, life. Francis Marion grew upon a rice plantation in South Carolina. When he grew older, he was a sailor for a short while and then moved to another plantation. However, he was a part of the South Carolinian militia and fought in the French and Indian War. After the war, he returned to his plantation until the the Revolutionary War began.When the war began, Marion's first battle was at the Battle of Charleston. In which, British ships tried to take the harbor, but Marion drove
The San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) is a small, desert fox that persists primarily around the perimeter of the San Joaquin Valley in central California. It is an endangered subspecies of the more widely occurring kit fox. The fox eats primarily kangaroo rats where their ranges overlap, or a variety of other food sources (voles, ground squirrels, rats, mice, insects). The current population size for the San Joaquin kit fox is unknown, but estimates are 90%) habitat overlaps with areas designated by areas of potential solar
Smiling Fox Forge LLC is an 18th century business, which opened in 1988. Smiling Fox Forge LLC is a partnership between Scott Rathfelder Sr. and Renee Rathfelder. They sell 18th century reproductions along with 18th century clothing. The 18th century reproductions that they sell include axes/knives, blacksmithing items, buckles, chatelaines, colonial goods, gun supplies, sewing material, swords, tablewares, tents, and toys. The 18th century reproductions that they sell include infant, toddler, and children clothing, little ladies clothing, little gentleman clothing, ladies clothing, gentleman clothing, wigs, socks, and shoes. To go into a bit more detail on clothing for the infant, toddler, and children, little gentlemen, and gentlemen clothing they sell things such as,
Coyote was an excellent trickster to Crow in the myth Coyote and Crow, According to textual evidence, “Coyote sees Crow munching on some deer fat, he is making a plan to steal the deer fat from Crow, Coyote is hungry and he needs food. He goes up to Crow standing on a cliff and munching on some delicious, juicy deer fat. Coyote says to himself, “I know how to get the deer fat from Crow,” (Ella Clark, Ella Clark Pg 68). Coyote trots to the cliff were Crow is munching on some dear fat. “Oh, Chief I heard you can make a good noise, A pleasing noise.
It is evident that in this case confidentiality was very limited. Living on the reservation in such a tight-knit community creates very little room for privacy for a family. This privacy can usually be invaded by other members of the community and even sometimes government officials of the community. The worker in this case was limited to what confidential information she could obtain about the Red Fox family. During the assessment phase, the worker wanted to view more of the history of the Red Fox family and their past intervention experiences. This confidential information required permission from the family for the worker to view. John did give permission for this to happen and the worker was able to view a larger amount of information
The thing of which I find to be honorable is the fox. For many a reasons do I choose the fox as the honorable figure of this piece of paper. The fox is honorable because unlike most people in the world today, when it finds a mate it stays that foxes mate for life. Also unlike almost all people in America, it takes only what it needs, never more never less. It knows how to take care of itself and if it’s got a family it takes care of them too. The fox may be a predator but unlike humans it doesn’t just go around killing for sport. It hunts to survive and that’s it. It defends its home and knows how to survive, sadly it is better at that then most people in today's world. In other words the fox is an honorable creature of worth mentioning. There
When I was 11, I discovered foxes and their mythology. The magic, mystery and mythology that are part of the fox ‘Kitsune’ folklore of Japan triggered my enthusiasm for this unique aspect of Japanese culture. The art and stories are very inspiring, soothing and captivating. My family and I migrated to Japan when I was 4 years-old and returned to the US when I was 7. The stories about foxes or ‘kitsune’ keep me connected to many wonderful times and great memories. I decided to create my own online shop selling products based on foxes and fox mythology. My aspiration for this fox merchandise is to introduce the general populace to the wonders of foxes and their esoteric Asian fables.
The animal i chose for my endangered animal project was the artic fox. I chose this animal because I like foxes. In my art to ilistrate that the fox lived in a snowy place i added mountians in the back to represent that it was snowy i added snow on the tops of the mountians. The artic fox blends into their surondings by changing from white to brown
Society, laws, and nature are all correlated with obligation. For the argument (dictionary definition into challenging the dictionary definition)? obligation is the bind a person has for action legally or morally. The influence obligation has on one’s innate desire to act kind expressed through ___ fable “The Grateful Foxes.” It portrays obligation as a merit one’s character and explores the world of good karma. In contrast, obligation can be detriment to one’s character as The Fox Woman by ____ explores the depression caused by societal expectation. The novel explains the fault of obligation on one’s character through seasonal metaphor and the conflicts between characters and themselves. The enforcement as gender as an obligation to duties reveals the struggle a character can have with there autonomy. Despite obligation being defined as a contract to specific action; the contract can be confining. Through the comparison of “The Grateful Foxes” and the novel The Fox woman the stature of obligation is challenged and defended for the benefit of a character in Japanese culture; the comparison of the works will lead one to understand obligation as a choice.
Everyone knows of the apocryphal evil that is wolves, hunting our children, killing our livestock, taking the best deer. Having a wolf hunting season seems like a no brainer, right? But what if that’s not how wolves are, what if they are innocent, so to say. Should they be hunted? The short answer is no. There should not be a wolf hunting season because many of the thoughts on wolves are incorrect; hunting would compromise wolf studies, and the population is already suffering.
Our products that we will be selling are desirable and designable knitting cups, ties, bow ties, key chains and bracelets. Customers that come as tourists, visiting or being residents have high interest in affordable and simple gifts that represent something to them or to the receiver. Sincere ideas that convey true real feelings have more long-lasting and significant impact. Our gifts will be appropriate and relevant to the persons. Many people go for hand-made gifts due to their significance. When someone thinks of a gift the thoughts of the price does not matter to them. Our products will be memorable, at the same time reasonable.
Evan, son of Midnight, secured the leather straps of his pack, taking as much time as he could in doing so as he always did before he entered the bustling city streets of an unfamiliar land that seemed to threaten to swallow him into its roads and paths. Despite this being the place where he’d initially began his travels at, it now felt strange and new. Right before he would enter the city, partially to take up more time and partially because he felt the urge to, he looked up into the cloud filled sky and cursed to his parents who’d sent him down to earth. His father had been Midnight, the god of Pumpkins, and mother Isabelle, the god of nine tailed cats, nine tailed cats like him.