
Fracking Regulation

Decent Essays

Now more than ever, our planet sees itself on the brink of self-destruction. From the many harmful practices humans have inflicted on the Earth, fracking may be the most dangerous. Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth and injecting fracking fluid at high pressures to fracture rocks and collect natural gas. The use of hydraulic fracturing in the US has not only evolved the energy industry, but also raised environmental concerns.
Indeed, the government must regulate fracking to the extent that it draws negative externalities on local and global scales.
Fracking must be regulated in the United States in that it generates man-made earthquakes. Injecting wastewater into the ground creates pressure in the soil, leading to earthquakes. …show more content…

It has been proven that important water wells across the nation have been polluted with chemicals deriving from fracking drills. “Each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally-sourced fresh water which will be permanently contaminated by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals contained in the fracking fluid.”( It is impossible for us to live without fresh water. The water used in fracking destroys the environment. “The millions of gallons of water used in fracking operations not only strain water resources, but end up as vast amounts of contaminated wastewater. Fracking has been reported as a suspect in polluted drinking water around the country. And methane -- a potent climate change pollutant -- leaks rampantly throughout the extraction, processing, and distribution of oil and gas.”( Besides hampering water consumption to communities, the pollution destroys all related environments, including the atmosphere, which is affected by the evaporated fumes. However, according to geologist Gary Lash of the State University of New York at Fredonia, it is not possible for the fracking fluid to seep through the rocks and into the water. That is not the case since there are multiple documented cases of

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