
France language Essay

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Numerous cultures from around the world have circulated many traditions to other cultures. Although most of the traditions in the earlier eras were not recorded or written, through communication skills, one is able to access these customs by interviewing someone from that culture. Language is the key module to a single culture, whether only one culture speaks a particular language or many cultures across the world share that same language. Sharing a language with another culture is a way of combining two or more cultures together in which they have a mutual characteristic of each culture. The French language is spoken in several countries; some consist of the United States, Canada, France, and other adjacent countries. With the …show more content…

One of these customs is the use of the twenty-four hour time for official diagrams and everyday scheduling. The way people carry out their days emphasizes the foremost variation from culture to culture. Annual calendars show a discrepancy in which the day comes preceding the current month. Another contrast in culture involves food. In the modern-day English culture, most families obtain the groceries from a local supermarket or a confined grocery store. Throughout the French culture, however, cuisine is purchased through a fresh market or a farmer’s market before each meal or day. This actually allows French citizens to spend less and eat more fresh food. The French culture is an immense stretch or a diminutive stretch from the traditional way of life in the United States. Another variation in the French language is the structure of grammar. Terms used in the French language are very dissimilar compared to that of the English language. For instance, the English word “know” is actually represented in two different ways used in the French verbal communication. “Connaître” is used when trying to say that one physically knows another. “Savoir” is used when one actually possesses knowledge about a specific fact or truth. Both words are used to make the statement that one knows something, but

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