
Frank Lloyd Wright Research Paper

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Frank Lloyd Wright and His Impact
Frank Lloyd Wright was a very influential designer and architect who inspired the next century of builders to go beyond their normal standards and break free from the confines of the current building barriers. He used aspects of nature to compliment his buildings, and knew how to perfectly arrange the complex angles and structures to set his projects apart from all others. Frank Lloyd Wright changed the future of architecture with his high attention to interior design, detail, simplicity, and environmental influences.
Frank’s upbringing seems to have impacted his choices and views in life. Wright’s father was a Baptist minister and a musician, possibly where Wright may have received some of his …show more content…

America 's other great artists--our painters, sculptors, composers - don 't really rank with the tops of all time. They 're not Rembrandt or Michelangelo or Beethoven. Wright alone has that standing." ("Frank Lloyd Wright"). Wright has many extremely recognizable buildings located in many areas around the world, such as the Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois; the Midway Gardens in Chicago; the Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania; the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan; the Beth Shalom Synagogue in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania; and the Guggenheim Museum in New York (McCarter). It’s easy to tell that Wright has been seriously noticed and is overly well known. But, one may ask, what kind of major impacts has Frank Lloyd Wright had on the world? Well, homes with a living room, open garage, or a floor plan with many open spaces have all been majorly influenced by Mr. Wright. Frank himself pioneered all of these designs. His low and sweeping rooflines, many windows, and central fireplaces changed how houses would be built for centuries to come ("Frank Lloyd Wright"). In 1952, Wright completed a home for a World War II veteran that is completely accessible for a person confined to a wheelchair, such as the owner Kenneth Laurent. The house is built on completely one level, with curving walls, added space for turning radii, and lowered light switches and heighted electric plugs; giving the perfect example for just how much Wright could bend to certain

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