
Frank Who's Inside That Head?

Decent Essays

Frank: Who’s inside that head? ‘Frank’ directed by Lenny Abrahamson premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2014. ‘Frank’ is the comedy – drama film about the indie pop band named ‘The Soronprfbs’ The band has the enigmatic ‘Frank’ (Michael Fassbender), the man who wears BIG FAKE HEAD all the time, as a vocalist and songwriter. After meeting by an incident, Jon Burroughs (Domhnall Gleeson), a wannabe musician and songwriter, joined the band immediately as a keyboard player and found himself can do more for the fame of this eccentric band. Frank (2014) is the Irish-UK film inspired from Chris Sievey (1995-2010), the vocalist whose outsider spirit and big fake head. The name of his character was Frank Sidebottom. He became one of …show more content…

The audience will follow him everywhere. Like some parts Chris Sievey’s real life, Jon keep asking himself the same question about Frank. Both his curiosity and his ambition to be famous can lead Jon to start many things about the band. The movie use only Jon’s point of view to show the story. It’s obvious that every scene in this film always have Jon there. So, this is the only Jon memory and others are probably different. Who will know? Jon is not only a narrator. He plays the important variable roles that will control the way of this story. Probably, every change started when he came in. It clearly presented John’s personality, but the audience knows so little about other band members. You will know Frank that he has a mental illness and Don, the manager, also used to have that kind of illness. Even Clara, the Theremin player, that you will see how freak she is but you will never know where she comes from and why she have been like that. Besides, you will never know Nana, the drummer, and Baraque, the guitar player, that much …show more content…

Most people will find themselves wondering that ‘Will Frank take off that big head?’ The movie perfectly accomplished in making the audience thinks the same way as Jon at the first. It can’t help that in Jon’s eyesight members of the band are totally freak and it makes the audience think similarly. Only little thing, I quite disappointed is the way this film presented places. I didn’t feel that they moved to those places for real. Probably, the director needs to focus on the character and story line more than the place, but it make every place is so plain and useless. They moved, moved and moved, but you will not feel any places much. On the other hand, it might be good if you want to concentrate to the situation only. If anyone thinks it will be a cliché, you’d better think about it again. No-No-No, it’s not a plot twist as well. Actually, the movie is brilliant to gradually make it so sensitive, burst and bring it back in the right time. It will not get 100% perfection, but it’s a memorable one because I believe it can make the audience feel its core. By the way, the story is suitable for everyone, except children (some issues might be hard to understand and, of course, freak). In short, ‘Frank’ is a weird, clever, unforgettable and heartfelt story,

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