
Frankenstein Betrayal Quotes

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In Frankenstein the creature wanted to be loved by Victor, but his master betrays him and pushed the monster down the path of revenge until he has nothing left. The creature came into the world happy and innocent, but as time went on he realized that humankind and his master had betrayed him. He wanted help people like De Lacy by cutting wood for them and getting food,u but he introduces himself to them, they made it so “[his] heart sunk within me as the with bitter sickness, and I refrained”(97). Human kind and not only his master betrayed him, but this anger manifested as anger towards the Frankenstein family. The creature felt everyone was trying to betray him and go against him so he turned him evil and made the creature want to seek …show more content…

Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me”(68). His creator could help him cope with everyone’s hatred towards but he could not look at what he had created and hated the monster. The lack of love and the desire for love pushed the monster to murder Victor’s brother and then his whole family as retribution for his betrayal. The monster wanted to inflict “desolation; my enemy is not invulnerable; this death will carry despair to him and a thousand other miseries shall torment and destroy him’ (102). Victor was the recipient of this creature's anger and the creature made it known how angry he had become with lack of help from Victor. This betrayal drove the monster insane after “the murder of Clerval, I returned to Switzerland, heartbroken and overcome. I pitied Frankenstein; my pity amounted to horror.(164) The monster had become filled with regret for the all the evils had committed, but he still wanted to do one more thing to destroy Victor by killing his …show more content…

In the end when all the creature's action made Victor die and pushed both of them to the mental and physical edge of the world. With Victor's death, the monster now had nothing the creature was “ frightful selfishness hurried me on, while my heart was poisoned with remorse”(163). He had no more creator to torment and he lost a part of himself. Unlike Amir once he became evil, there was no turning back, he could not be good again like Amir and only through one way and that was to kill himself. The monster like Othello had lost everything now and when both of them killed the ones they lost they did not realize the consequences of their betrayals. When these consequences came to fruition, they could be good again and both Othello and Frankenstein killed themselves so they did not have to deal with the regret of their decisions that were going to eat away at them. The creature says, “ I shall die. I shall no longer feel the agonies which now consume me, or be the prey of feeling unsatisfied, yet unquenched”(166). The monster was ready to lift the weight off his shoulders like Othello had done because both killed the one they had loved or had wanted to be loved by and did not want the regret

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