
Frankenstein Fm's Relationship Quotes

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FM is a complex character, whose initial intentions are benevolent. However, due to the isolation he experienced and the disrespect he faced from humans, he was driven to commit cruel crimes in a spur of the moment rage. He is truly not a bad creature, yearning for acceptance and respect. An example of FM's kind intentions being turned to violence, in a childlike manner, is shown when he approached William in the woods, on his way to find Victor: "Child, what is the meaning of this? I do not intended to hurt you; listen to me”(98). He states his intentions to the boy and show no signs of violence. However, once he discovers William is a part of the Frankenstein family he becomes so enraged he kills the boy. This shows that his initial intentions are benevolent, but once he is faced with mistreatment from humans he becomes enraged, altering his mindset and hindering his initial intentions. …show more content…

This quote also supports that FM’s intentions are caring and humane because he asks to be listened to, showing that all he wants is respect and companionship; there are no dark motivations within his want for friendship. Other examples of FM’s compassion are shown through many points in his monologue, especially when he is observing the family from his hovel: “I longed to discover the motives and feelings of these lovely creatures; I was inquisitive to know why Felix appeared so miserable and Agatha so sad. I thought (foolish wretch!) that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people”

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