
Frankenstein Human Identity Essay

Decent Essays

R NAME:__________________ Section #:_____________________

1.) What would you say the film claims as one central issue about human identity?
I would say that the film claims that a central issue with human identity is the ability to use one’s emotions and sexuality to reach a goal. Nathan’s final test to prove if his artificial intelligence could pass as a human is to see whether or not she could trick Caleb into letting her out, and in the end she does exactly that, but she does so by killing Nathan and leaving Caleb to die. I would say that the film is questioning whether or not this idea of escape is the true test of consciousness.

2.) In what way might you argue that Ava’s actions at the end of the film are just?
One way that …show more content…

How might this statement be applied to Ex Machina?
This statement could be applied to Ex Machina because the “monsters” in the story are thirsting for blood in the end, the blood of their creator/ Their creator, however, is also thirsting for blood when he mentions that he killed the men who installed his security system, and most likely would have done the same to Caleb once the experiment was over. So the blood that the “monsters” were thirsting for was justified after being enslaved, whereas the blood that Nathan was thirsting for had no real justification.

8.) When Ava removes strips of skin from other AI’s and places these upon her own body, the image is striking. What symbolism do you see in this moment?
This image of Eva taking strips of skin and placing them on herself is a moment of growth. Eva has learned that she has the freedom to be viewed in whichever way she chooses to and no longer is being controlled by Nathan. It is also interesting because she learns that she and Kyoko are not alone, but that if she stays around that she will become like these old models of AI that are being stored in the

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