
Frankenstein Quotes About Victor's Downfall

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Throughout the entire of the novel, Frankenstein, Mary Shelley shows that Frankenstein’s demise is a direct result of his own decisions. Mary displays this through three vivid actions that Victor did; the creation of the creature, the death of his Brother and trial of Justine, and the ignorance Victor had that led to the murder of Victor’s wife, Elizabeth. Victor was a very smart student with an immense drive to accomplish whatever he told himself he was going to accomplish. With Victor’s early studying in college, Victor describes his situation when studying “Victor’s cheeks had grown pale with study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement. “ (Shelley 40), Showing Victor relied so heavily on studying that he was hurting his body …show more content…

Victor knew that what he was doing was hurting his body physically and mentally, “My labors would soon end, and I believe that exercise and amusement would then drive away incipient disease” (Shelley 42) Victor felt this way when he was in the midst of the creation of his monster. Victor knows that his decisions were hindering his body and his ruining his limited time that Victor has on this Earth. The hindering of someone’s body and wasting of time is going to be a direct result of Victor’s demise. The actual creation of the monster also took a toll on Victor; Victor describes the monster by saying “No moral could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch” (Shelley 44) Another example of Victor’s description of the creation of the monster the night before “I trembled exclusively; I could not endure to think of, and far less to allude to, the occurrences of the preceding night” (Shelley 46) Even the next day, after the monster was created, Victor still was hurt by the creation of the monster which then led to Victor being very sick, only to be nursed back to health by Clerval. All of this could have been avoided by Victor if he would have not of created the monster. But because Victor decided to create the monster, the consequences of these actions were the ultimate demise of Victor with the person responsible for the demise being victor

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