
Franz Kafka And The Metamorphosis

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Internal and External Demons: Franz Kafka and The Metamorphosis

Without knowledge of deeper symbolism, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka appears to be incredibly abstract and even humorous. The story is that of a man who transforms into a beetle within one evening and who struggles to endure. Upon scrupulous analyses, several forms of parallelism are evident within Kafka’s short story, and Kafka’s personal life is portrayed within The Metamorphosis in a mild manner to those who do not appreciate deeper meaning. Kafka’s antagonist in The Metamorphosis mirrors Kafka himself. Franz Kafka battled his father and his mental well being whilst living, and upon closer inspection of the short story, Gregor Samsa’s image (physical and psychological) reflects Kafka’s demons. The writing of Franz Kafka is greatly influenced by both the internal and the external struggles of his personal life. …show more content…

Following Gregor’s transfiguration, which led to the cease of going to work, Samsa’s father was repulsed and turned to forceful means to keep Gregor at harbor in his room, “at every moment he was threatened by a fatal blow on the back or head from the stick in his father’s hand,” (Kafka 23) “then his father gave him a strong push from behind that was a truly liberating one, and , bleeding profusely, he sailed far into his room” (Kafka 24). “Kafka was subjected to abuse and constant yelling from his father because he was a failure in his eyes” (Nervi). Kafka wove his own father’s actions into his novels and short stories through his characters, specifically Gregor

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