
Frazier's Leadership Style

Satisfactory Essays

George constantly seeking challenges and opportunities that will help develop his employees. In such a situation where everyone is working for the same goals, George strives to do his part by keeping every individual’s potential in mind. Speaking with a few employees that work with him has stressed how great of a CEO George is. Aja Taylor the advocacy director since 2012 stated that she has “never met anyone that is as committed to excellence as George. He’s very professional and he cares about his staff here at Bread for the City”. George makes others feel proud to be a part of the organizations team. Melissa Frazier is the Food and Clothing director since 2011, believes that George is the backbone of Bread for the City and a great role model …show more content…

With a professional goal to be exceptionally good at anything he puts his mind to, George is the perfect example of one who motivates others through example, hard work, and understanding the needs of those he works with. He also makes effective use of such actions as communication, constant feedback, and honest performance management; actions Baldwin & Bommer consider key components of successful leadership. George considers constant coaching, feedback, and discipline through love and support the only way to “encourage good behavior and stop the bad.” And as someone who believes an email is just as good as a gift card in providing motivation, George firmly believes his employees work more efficiently when he takes the time to invest in their development; no matter the form of praise taken. Whatever walls are often built between employees and executives are nonexistent among George teams, who are always allowed opportunities to make decisions and contribute to the group effort. Although high level decisions are made by the executive team, George makes it a priority to formulate strategic, day-to-day operations with his team’s involvement. When faced with conflict, he is quick to find the root of the problem; ignoring the inclination to judge in order to give everyone the benefit of the doubt in being

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