
Fredrick Douglass Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout the book Fredrick Douglass tries to persuade the reader with messages that have an impactful meaning not only to this book, but the audience reading his writing. One of the messages that had a huge impact and show persuasion by Douglass it's a scene in the book where Douglas talks about his grandmother. First of all, to summarize this event/scene , This was right after master Andrew died. Although master Andrew had died, and his slaves no longer had a master, Douglas lets the reader know that a slave will always be a slave because even without a master they were put in the hands of strangers. During all of this these specific slaves were all put in different places, but one slave that was not taken to a new master was Douglas's grandmother. Douglas then explains with very specific details the roll his grandmother played in his masters family. Douglas indeed states, "she had become a great grandmother in his service". What Douglas does here is that the vocabulary that he uses …show more content…

These methods were very crucial in persuading the readers as they don't only make us think, they don't make us only feel, but they open our eyes and they make us realize how cruel people were at that. Not only to slaves at their adult age but also to old people such as Douglas's grandmother who's suffering due to her age and then suffermy being put in the woods alone and and experiencing a very lonely slow death. What Douglas does while he's writing this part is that he careful he may can see how his grandmother was basically another mother for master Andrew, and how much she took care of him. Although this book is titled narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, this book was mostly written to target white slave owners and abolitionist who saw wrong in slavery but wouldn't do anything about it and he uses this type of writing to take

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