Everyone has their own goals and dreams in life, but in today’s society a college education is an essential step on the path to those things. In regards to myself, I want to go to college to be able to live the lifestyle I have set for my future self, to be the first generation four year university graduate in my family, to be an influence on my four younger brothers, and to further my education and involvement in extracurricular activities. You could say I don’t just have a desire to attend college I need to.
Many girls’ goals are the typical husband, kids, and a house on the hill with the white picket fence. As for me, I want to travel the world, and witness everything it has to offer. I don’t want the stay at home lifestyle. The majors
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They are the biggest portion of my motivation to keep pushing and improving myself. Being born an African-American male in the United States they naturally feel that they are categorized and seen as less, but I don’t want them to have the feeling that something can stand in there way of their own success. I want them to comprehend that the more time and effort they put into what they want to do, it will pay off. I never want them to feel that they can’t go to college, or can’t get that job they have been dreaming about, or achieve any goals they set. I want to be that influence they remember when times get hard for them. However, I don’t wish to just live for myself and my immediate family , I also want to have a part in benefiting my community rather it’s from tutoring the youth, working on projects to improve the environment, or mentoring children. I believe that college will get me connected to all types of opportunities and extracurricular activities that will help me and my community improve.
To do all these things that I plan to do in life, it’s a necessity for me to go to college to further my education. I strive to learn something new each day and I don’t think a high school education teaches me enough to achieve the goals I have set for my life; such as my career, traveling the world, and having an impact on not only my family but also my
As a small child, many adjectives defined me. ‘Timid’ was never among these. My mother recalls countless conversations about “Stranger Danger” after I struck up dialogues with the parents of other children on the playground. If the comfort zone is represented by an invisible box, mine spanned entire cities by the time I was in second grade as I made friends with nearly every human being I came into contact with. I had no way of knowing that my box was about to be drastically downsized.
Goodbye, Longbeach. Hello, Graham. Moving away from home was sorrowful, but I’ve always wanted to travel the world and I was with the person I’d most wanted to do it with; my sister, Bree. It was only her and I; our parents had died in a car crash the previous year, so maybe it was a good thing to start over.
With eyes closed I stand alone, in the dark I smell the sweet scent of fresh-cut grass and feel the soft dirt under my feet. I feel the sunshine on my skin, though I cannot see it. I stand in this blissful moment until I hear a call. Desperation and panic fill the air as I blindly run towards the unknown voice. “HELP ME!” it shouts. I stumble over a log; I can feel the blood trickle down my leg. “HELP ME” another voice shouts. Gradually more and more voices call out for help tugging at my heart. I try to bury myself in my hands and collapse into the soft earth. I jump back in surprise as a cold hand gently traces my face. Tears spill out of my eyes allowing them to open; I look up and see a woman. She wears all black and has a veil over her
Three things that describe me is Smart, determined, and a overachiever. There are many other things that make me the person I am. I feel that there is no such thing as weird and the word normal is overrated. Everyone feels that they are normal, but to some that person’s normal may be strange. I love reading huge books that may take other people weeks to read, singing, and having things organized in a certain way.
Many different people go to college for many different reasons, some people wanting to become doctors or lawyers, others in sports or sometimes just for fun. When thinking more personally I feel like college for me is to find myself. Somewhere where I can become physically and emotionally ready to become an adult and be able to stabilize myself.
There are numberless reasons that I have for attending college. My first and uttermost important purpose, is setting a exceptional example for my son. As he grows older I want him to understand that education is key to success. futhermore; I would be delighted for him to recognize that persecerance pays off,and he is able do accomplish anything he puts his mind to. My second purpose is creating a foundation for financial success, and finer living. With a degree I will be more likely to receive higher paying jobs than without one. Therefore; being able to provide for my family and have a little fun. My last purpose is having something to be proud of by finishing what I started. My college journey began when I was 17 and immature. I wasn't studious
A boy walks into school, nothing to specific about him, a little husky and less social than most other students. But there are things people don't know about this boy. The not knowing goes the same all ways. This boys sees this pretty girl every other day in his 3rd block math class, but he doesn't know her, he doesn't know where she's goes after school, or what she does. But he wants to. This particular girl interests him. She's different than the others, She looks how poetry sounds. She moves like the most calm ocean. Her blonde hair like something he had never seen before. Those luscious locks are what stood out to him the most. The boy can barely wait till the next time she raises her hand, just so he can hear her
I believe in inspiration. I believe one to be open minded and to be inspired, or serve as inspiration. I believe in progress to be linked hand-in-hand with inspiration.
The world is mysterious, but what is the world? I used to see the world as the people on the earth, the major events around the world, and as “my life”. Reading “The Magic of Reality”, has changed the way I live. Through reading your book, I have expanded my interest in science, I have strengthened my ability to think outside of the box, and have answered questions I couldn’t understand by asking anyone on the street. The way everything has a place and a history changed all my assumptions on reality.
Freedom was very rare and still is and I’m very lucky that I was born in America. A lot of people don’t have the same privileges that every person in America has. Some people are born into a family and whatever the father was the son has to be. I am lucky that people have and continue to fight for my independence so I can be who ever I want to be. I have the choice to work hard and be successful or do nothing and be nothing.
Two choices I could take And no I could not select both. A split second decision I was forced to make To plunge in and help, despite the fear or, Follow my instincts and save myself I chose to help, risking it all
Everyone has something that truly excites them. Something that ignites an interest so deep that not pursuing it would be unimaginable. Some people find theirs in mathematics, others in sports; perhaps one might find a love for science, or for fashion. I found my passion when I was very young in English. I’ve always been intrigued in a writer’s ability to create powerful emotions in an individual, and it amazes me how the words of one person can influence so many others.
What are my goals? I have set many for myself over my short 18 years of being alive. “I want to be in the NBA when I grow up or maybe I want to be the president of the United States!” That’s how I would often answer the question when I was younger. However, this question becomes much more serious as I am nearing my final months of high school and preparing to enter college. The obvious answer would be to finish my education. My parents have always stressed the importance of graduating high school and then go on to graduate college because they believe education is the path to a better future. Due to circumstances, they never had the chance to attend college while they were in China, but they made the decision to come to America so that my brother and me could have the best educational opportunities in the world.
You go through your whole life being asked, what you want to be or who you want to be. We laugh about it and even ask our toddlers the same question. The reality is once you start high school, it’s not a joke anymore. Finding out/figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life is hard. Usually your life choices or the way you’ve been raised will lead you to what you want to do.
I can honestly say that I want to go to college primarily because I believe that I can gain a deep understanding of much I want to learn about. College is an opportunity for me to gain a more profound understanding of the subjects I either did not have access to or was discouraged to do more than skim over because “...well it won’t be on the regents, so it doesn’t really matter...”.