
Free College Admissions Essays: I Want To Attend College

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Everyone has their own goals and dreams in life, but in today’s society a college education is an essential step on the path to those things. In regards to myself, I want to go to college to be able to live the lifestyle I have set for my future self, to be the first generation four year university graduate in my family, to be an influence on my four younger brothers, and to further my education and involvement in extracurricular activities. You could say I don’t just have a desire to attend college I need to.
Many girls’ goals are the typical husband, kids, and a house on the hill with the white picket fence. As for me, I want to travel the world, and witness everything it has to offer. I don’t want the stay at home lifestyle. The majors …show more content…

They are the biggest portion of my motivation to keep pushing and improving myself. Being born an African-American male in the United States they naturally feel that they are categorized and seen as less, but I don’t want them to have the feeling that something can stand in there way of their own success. I want them to comprehend that the more time and effort they put into what they want to do, it will pay off. I never want them to feel that they can’t go to college, or can’t get that job they have been dreaming about, or achieve any goals they set. I want to be that influence they remember when times get hard for them. However, I don’t wish to just live for myself and my immediate family , I also want to have a part in benefiting my community rather it’s from tutoring the youth, working on projects to improve the environment, or mentoring children. I believe that college will get me connected to all types of opportunities and extracurricular activities that will help me and my community improve.
To do all these things that I plan to do in life, it’s a necessity for me to go to college to further my education. I strive to learn something new each day and I don’t think a high school education teaches me enough to achieve the goals I have set for my life; such as my career, traveling the world, and having an impact on not only my family but also my

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