You go through your whole life being asked, what you want to be or who you want to be. We laugh about it and even ask our toddlers the same question. The reality is once you start high school, it’s not a joke anymore. Finding out/figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life is hard. Usually your life choices or the way you’ve been raised will lead you to what you want to do.
My life wasn’t the best, half of my life I grew up without a dad because he passed away when I was six. My mom got into heavy drugs and I ended up going to live with my aunt when I was eleven. My environment in the beginning, wasn’t the best. However, it’s the reason I want to be a part of law enforcement. Six years of my life I was surrounded by people that always were hurting themselves and people around them (emotionally and physically). They were never doing the right thing. Just because I grew up around people like that doesn’t reflect on the person that I’ve become. I don’t want to be another sob story or teen statistic. I decide to let my past help me throughout life instead of letting it ruin me. Working as a cop will give me the opportunity to help people
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However, to get the skills and knowledge that you need to work in law enforcement you have to get an associate’s degree in criminal justice, it’s not required, but they say it’ll help you in the long run (1). Depending on the college, I’ll have to have a certain number of hours for credits and my internship, overall my major will last four years. Minoring in psychology will be very beneficial when you’re in unstable situations and will help you emotionally (4). After college you go to a 6 month training program, when your done you are then picked up by one the police department (4) Over the next four years police and detective jobs are predicted to grow by 14%
Many people have various valuable items that they cherish, some only have a few but everyone has that one thing that hey hold close to their heart over everything. My one item happens to be a necklace that my papa got me for Christmas right after he was diagnosed with liver cancer. This necklace means so much to me because of the character behind it, the many feelings it gives me and the heartfelt memories behind this one simple gift.
Adults are always asking me what I want to do when I graduate high school or what I want to be. Not until the ending of my Junior year did I know the answer to that question. I’ve
I have chosen the career of Local Law enforcement. To join this career there are many requirements. For example, there are specific educational requirements, the bare minimum for education to be a local police officer is a high school diploma or GED. Furthermore, most Law enforcement careers require a bachelor’s degree or a certain number of college credits. Although taking classes in college that have a focus in criminal justice and receiving a degree towards that focus can increase your pay and ability to get a job in local enforcement, as well as setting you apart and increasing your chances of receiving different promotions and jobs. Aside from the educational requirements to be a Law enforcement officer there are various other standard
When I first got out of the Marine Corps my friends and family told me to go to college. I had no idea what to study. So, like others, I started a Criminal Justice program. A few months later the September Eleventh attacks accrued and I found myself back on active duty. I did not return to school for twelve years.
My desire for a career in law enforcement started while pursuing my undergraduate degree at the University of Central Florida. As a freshman biology major with hopes of becoming a Radiologist, it did not take me long to realize the medical field was not for me. Peers in my classes had a passion and interest for the material that I did not possess. My grades poorly reflected the type of student I was. Realizing it was time for a change, at the end of my sophomore year I started seeking guidance. Unbeknownst to me, my disinterest in the curriculum was a major contribution to my poor performance. I completed career assessments and sat with academic counselors in several different areas of study. I was feeling more confused than ever because Criminal Justice courses often sparked my interest, but I hesitated due to the dangerous nature of police work.
With this in mind, a career as a police officer can be extremely rewarding and requires a vast amount of skills. Earning the respect and appreciation of those in a community by taking an oath to serve and protect civilians permits the motivation of working towards something greater than myself knowing that at the end of each day my time and talents will be well spent gives me self- satisfaction. Using the knowledge gained through these studies will make me a more confident and efficient candidate when pursuing my career goal as a Kentucky State Police
The purpose of law enforcement is to protect the lives and property of both the community’s citizens and people who visit and work in the community. There are many different levels of law enforcement careers such as local, state and federal agencies. There are also many different occupations within the law enforcement field. One of those occupations is a police officer. (10 Things You Need to Consider Before Becoming a Police Officer, Criminology, August 2012, Timothy Roufa, Criminology Careers Expert). To become a police officer it takes more than just wanting to carry a gun and “catch the bad guys”. The hiring process will be long. After submitting an application, each candidate must go through a written test, a physical agility test, an oral interview or two, a “background” check of nearly every aspect of his life, including driving records, drug or alcohol usage, a thorough medical and psychological exam, and a polygraph test. Then after that, each candidate must go through an exhausting physical and mental challenge known as the Police Academy. If the candidates make it through the Police Academy then they advance to on-the-job training known as Field Training, which is even more difficult than the Police Academy. After all of this training and becoming a police officer, one would have to ask themselves if the job is worth it. Police officers are put into dangerous situations daily. After all they have to deal with drunks, the mentally disabled
When you are first learning how to surf, the weather conditions play a large part in determining your success. The ideal day for beginners includes a blue sky, a high temperature, and, most importantly, tame tides. When my cousin Lauren and I step onto the increasingly deserted beach at 5:00 pm, it quickly becomes apparent that the weather is not on our side. The sun barely peaks through the mass of gray clouds covering the sky. A breeze comes in, dropping the temperature to less-than-favorable conditions. Lauren and I look out at the ocean and can immediately tell that these waves are much bigger and much rougher than usual for this beach. Learning to surf is going to be a much bigger challenge than either of us anticipated.
Many have experienced an encounter as a young child where they are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Answering that question may be easy as a kid because your mind is filled with thoughts of being the unimaginable. As you grow much older, those ideas begin to depart from the mind and you are suddenly more aware of what is and what is not possible in this world. When beginning the most important years of high school, you stop and rethink your career choice numerous times, stressing on who and what you want to be. Many adults such as teachers, counselors, and parents will emphasize the importance of knowing where you want to be in the future during high school, sometimes even middle school. It became imperative that one chose their
I have wanted to work in law enforcement for a long time. I have studied the skills necessary to work in this field.
My career goals are to work my way up the system until I become a sniper for the S.W.A.T. team. Career-related information Education, training, and experience vary with each part of law enforcement some may only need you to finish the police academy with no college time, but other positions may require at least two years. As said in the article “Police and detective applicants must have at least a high school diploma or equivalent, although many federal agencies and some
In Criminal Justice my intended emphasis area is law enforcement. I would like to become a police detective one day. “Police detectives, unlike police officers, don't wear a uniform, drive patrol cars, or patrol; instead, they spend much of their time compiling information and evidence for the cases they are assigned. They wear plain clothes, usually a suit and tie, and drive unmarked cars” (“Police Detective Job Description”, n.d). A police detective is a higher ranked and higher paid police officer. The job itself requires more experience and knowledge than a regular police officer’s job.
Imagine saving a citizen’s life from dangerous and corrupt criminals. That is exactly what a police officer is there to do. A police officer is the person that someone calls when they are in distressful situations they are not capable of handling. Police officers then respond and deal with the citizen’s problem. Police officers have numerous amounts of duties. They also have to serve and protect the public from criminals. I recognize myself to be observant, generous and protective person, the career path I have chosen is a police officer. I plan on going to a two year college to study business administration, then, once I turn twenty-one, I will apply to the police academy. My predominant objective is to provide help and serve the community
Mason HotakainenPaper #19-10-15 Nate threw a ball and it hit me right in the stomach. I dropped not because it hurt, but because I was six and a little pansy. Nate asked “are you ok?”. I said “does it look like I’m ok?”. Then he said toughen up and i grabbed the ball whipped around and chucked it. The ball hit him right down stairs. I walked away and said “are you ok?”. My Uncle Nate has been a great influence in my life because he would take me fishing, camping, and I can trust him with anything.Nate would always take me fishing and it was usually pretty early when we would go. One time I started dozing off, so he took my line, wrapped it under the boat, and hooked it on the edge of the boat. He then grabbed my line and pulled it so hard the pole fell out of my hands. I started reeling in but I couldn't. After about two minutes he started laughing and I realized what he had done. Later that day I fell off the boat.Nate has taken me camping more times then I can count. He always makes camping a lot more interesting. He has almost burnt down the whole entire campground twice. He's a little clumsy if you haven't already noticed. Camping with him always makes the trips complete.He has always been rough on me.
Requiring a bachelor’s degree to become a police officer can decrease the number of wanting individuals because of the education, time, and money. While there are positives that come from a police officer having a bachelor’s degree, the negatives are also understandable. The positives to having a bachelor’s degree are often selfish, leaving the individuals who are unable to obtain a bachelor’s degree at a disadvantage, causing less people to become police